Re: required parameters

From: Kevin Cameron <>
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 11:36:32 PDT

Geoffrey.Coram wrote:

>Kevin Cameron wrote:
>>It's an elaboration-time check, you wouldn't get as far as running simulation, i.e. if the simulator finds a required parameter missing it would not be able to complete elaboration.
>But there might be a parameter that is only required in some cases,
>eg an avalanche coefficient only if avalanche is enabled. Then you
>wouldn't want the elaboration to abort for a missing coeff for a
>design where avalanche is disabled.
I think that's more of a style issue, you're not forced to make a
parameter required.

There's always defparam as a workaround :-)


Kevin Cameron, CPU Technology, CA 94588, Tel.: (925) 225 4862
Received on Fri May 21 11:36:40 2004

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