Hello Sri,
To integrate the merged 2001/AMS syntax into section 1 through to 3 of the LRM, I see the following changes to the body of the 2.2 LRM need to be made. Note, the following only covers the major changes. No doubt there will be a set of minor changes that need to added.
NEW_ANNEX) Document changes to 2001 due to the merger of AMS.
1.4) Update syntax fragments.
2.3) Remove 'comment' syntax to be equivalent with 2001.
2.5) Update 'number' syntax
2.5) document effects of signed numbers in analog.
2.5) document if scalar factor can be used in digital context.
2.6) document support for string parameters.
2.6) document if string parameter can be used in digital context.
2.7.3) Update system task/function syntax
2.7.3) add system parameter syntax
3.NEW) add a 'value set' section (like 2001).
3.1) Update 'integer and real declaration. syntax.
3.1) Extend syntax to include realtime and time declaration syntax
3.1) Document how realtime, time and reg can be used in analog context.
3.1) Document scalar, single and multi-dimensional arrays with and without initialization.
3.1) Document if initialization of digital/MS array variables are supported.
3.1) document what domain a declared but unused variable is.
3.2) Update 'parameter declaration' syntax
3.2) Add 'localparam declaration' syntax
3.2) Add 'aliasparam declaration' syntax
3.2) Document string parameters.
3.2) Document existence of system parameters.
3.2) Document list of AMS defined system parameters
3.2) Document allowed usage of string parameters
3.2) Document allowed usage of system parameters
3.2) Document usage of signed parameters in analog context
3.2) Document usage analog/digital of array parameters.
3.3) Update genvar_declaration syntax.
3.3) Document usage of genvars.
3.4) Push 'Natures' section upto 3.X level.
3.4) Push 'Disciplines' section upto 3.X level.
3.4) Update net_declaration syntax
3.4) Add ground_declaration syntax
3.4) document various ways to declared analog and digital nets.
3.5) push section to be a 3.4.X subsection.
3.6) push section into the later compiler directive section.
3.7) push section to be a 3.4.X subsection.
3.8) push section to be a 3.4.X subsection
3.8.1) push nature rules into nature_declaration section
3.8.1) push discipline rules into discipline_declaration section
3.9) Update branch_declaration syntax
3.9) add examples of various scalar and array declarations
3.9) Semantically restrict "+:" and "-:" in the constant_range_expression syntax when used in branch_terminal syntax.
3.9) Semantically restrict branch terminals in a branch declaration to be locally declared. (no OOMRs).
Graham Helwig
Freescale Semiconductor
Phone: +61 8 81683532
Fax: +61 8 81683501
Eamil: graham.helwig@freescale.com
Received on Sun Jan 30 22:36:52 2005
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