RE: Clarification question

From: Chandrasekaran Srikanth-A12788 <Srikanth.Chandrasekaran_at_.....>
Date: Thu Sep 08 2005 - 21:49:27 PDT
Hi Arpad,

1. Re: to different instances having different parameter sizes:

(In my opinion) parameters are instance specific post elaboration. Today, parameters belonging to different instances can have different values - overridden as part of instantiating the module. Going by the same argument, I would guess that the same parameter can have different sizes in different instances. So if the same module is instantiated multiple times each instance that owns the parameter will have different sizes. 

Couple of other issues on this:
  1a. Ofcourse, I would assume that the parameter was declared as a vector to being with? I am not sure whether this restriction should be there or not. One reason is, vector parameters need to have a type associated with it as part of the declaration, which is not required for scalars. Not sure whether that's the only constraint or not.

  1b. If the width is resized, lets say we have parameter real P[0:N] = ...; where N is a parameter, and N is overridden as part of the hierarchy, I guess the user would be required to provide the new RHS expression for the parameter also for the new size.

  1c. What does digital do? I am not so sure about how digital handles all this.

Once again in my opinion (looks like I have lots of them today) this resizing the parameter array on an instance basis looks confusing and clumsy to begin with. But I guess we will keep the language spec/support/implementation consistent with what digital LRM says, so that we don't have to deviate.

2. Re: obtaining size of array

If you are looking for some kind of system function in the language, I don't think there exists any. Its an interesting question tho', if the designer wants to loop over all the elements of the vector parameter, they should already know the information on the size of the vector.

3. 1364-2001 features - fscanf, sscanf

These functions are not supported in analog as part of the LRM today. Part of the work we are doing with integrating the language with 1364-2005 is to get the languages (analog & digital) to be consistent. I agree we are bit behind on this in terms of AMS language development, but the plan is to migrate to the most recent digital standard so that the features are available in both analog and digital.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Muranyi, Arpad
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2005 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: Clarification question


Thanks for your attempt to answer my questions.

So if we assume that the LRM says what we read into it,
i.e. you can assign a different size of an array to the parameter, regardless of what the size in its declaration is and it should resize because of that, is it also possible to declare a parameter in the module to be a certain size and then at the time it is instantiated pass a different size of an array into the module?  If so, what happens if the module is instantiated multiple times and each time it is instantiated a different size of an array is passed into its parameter?

I would also like hear your (or anyone else's) opinion about
my questions on for loops and reading data tables in files
into arrays.  Can these be done?  I couldn't find a way to
do this so far... 


Arpad ==========================================================

-----Original Message-----
From: Chandrasekaran Srikanth-A12788 [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 5:30 PM
To: Muranyi, Arpad;
Subject: RE: Clarification question

Hi Arpad,

Okay - that sentence is extremely convoluted and I really don't understand what it exactly means. Infact I tried reading bullet point #2 in the same section "An array assigned to an instance of a module shall be of the exact size of the array bounds of that instance" in reference to parameter arrays. Not exactly clear what this means either.

I am giving a few examples which probably will invoke some discussion on how it should behave. The LRM is not very clear on the semantics of this - probably the above bullet points are the semantics which are difficult to understand :-),

  parameter integer P[0:2] = {0,1};
  parameter integer P[N:1] = {1,2,3}; // where N is another parameter, lets say N resolves to 2

I would have expected that both of the above cases would be an error where the size of the expression on the right hand side is not the size defined as part of the range expression for the parameter. The LRM (I think) seems to suggest that the parameter array should be resized based on the parameter assignment expression on the RHS.

Its also possible that vector parameters can be overridden in the child instantiation line, for example:

  child #(.P(Q)) chld1(a,b); // where P & Q are vector parameters of different sizes. I would have thought this will also be an error.

Any other thoughts on what those bullets mean?

Any ideas as to how digital behaves in these cases?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Muranyi, Arpad
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2005 8:35 AM
Subject: Clarification question

Hello everyone,

Sorry for a few novice questions.

This sentence in the LRM got me.  Could someone please help
me to understand it (perhaps with some simple examples)?
This is in section 3.2.4:

"If the array size is changed via a parameter assignment, the parameter array shall be assigned an array of the new size from the same module as the parameter assignment that changed the parameter array size."

First, I would like to understand how the size of an array can be changed.  Second, I would like to understand the second half of the sentence that deals with the assignment, and module.

Also, is there a way to obtain the size of an array, for example for the purpose of running a for loop as many times as the number of elements in the array?

Seemingly unrelated, question:  Is there a way to read data tables from files into arrays, kind of like the $table_model function does it?  I have seen the $fscan, $sscan, etc... functions in the 1364-2001 manual, but are those officially available and supported by "Verilog-AMS" tools?


Arpad ==================================================================
Received on Thu Sep 8 21:49:52 2005

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