Geoffrey.Coram wrote:
Yes, but I'm discussing the case where A is:Kevin Cameron wrote:The reason for having OOMR voltage contributions being in series is consistency with the rest of the language. Why should the rules be different for out-of-module-references than for in-module-references?I think you are just avoiding my question on justifying the behavior being different depending on how you wire things up. I'd ask the question: why should in-module behavior be different from multi-module behavior, and hence why should OOMR behavior be different from that.In-module behavior is already different from multi-module behavior: module A(a,b); inout a,b; electrical a,b; analog begin V(a,b) <+ 5.0; V(a,b) <+ 6.0; end endmodule module B(a,b); inout a,b; electrical a,b; vsine #(.dc(5)) v1 (a,b); vsine #(.dc(6)) v2 (a,b); endmodule
module A(a,b); inout a,b; electrical a,b; analog V(a,b) <+ 5.0; analog V(a,b) <+ 6.0; endmodule
The idea is to create a *standard* that works properly and everyone adheres to.Whether module B can be simulated in a particular simulator is beside the point. (Ken and I will avoid simuluators that allow it, because we think it's a bad idea; you will use them, so you can model parallel switches.) You get 11 for A and something else (an error, 5.5, ...?) for B.
OK, you make a good argument for the current sensing OOMR to a branch being in series if all it is doing is measuring, and therefore if you contribute to it you would expect the current to add into that branch. However, in the case of flow the contribution would add in either semantic so it's a moot point.Bear with me a little on this example: module base(a,b); inout a,b; electrical a,b; branch (a,b) Ibr; analog I(Ibr) <+ 5.0; endmodule module augmentor(); analog I(top.mybase.Ibr) <+ 6.0; endmodule module iprobe(); analog $strobe("I = ", I(top.mybase.Ibr)); endmodule module top(); electrical n1; ground gnd; resistor #(.r(1k)) R1(n1, gnd); base mybase(n1, gnd); augmentor aug1; iprobe probe1; endmodule The OOMR probe in iprobe really must be sensing the current in that branch "Ibr"; it would be non-sensical for the probe to somehow create a new branch in parallel and sense that (zero) current. Hence, the OOMR contribution in augmentor *must* add 6.0 to the 5.0 already on branch "Ibr" in instance mybase module base, not create a new branch in parallel for the contribution. Here we had no problems with v-sources in parallel. Now let's switch all the I's to V's (access functions and Ibr->Vbr). Again, I would maintain, the augmentor adds 6.0 to the 5.0 already on Vbr, and the $strobe prints V = 11.0.
I presume you mean OOMRs specifically?In an earlier message, you (Kev) wrote:Contributions from analog blocks in different modules are in parallel for potential and flow - thats the way it has always been. I'm just asking for that behavior to apply consistently.and I'm saying these contributions are *not* in parallel.
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