Re: Minutes of the Verilog-AMS committee call: 15 May 2008

From: David Miller <David.L.Miller_at_.....>
Date: Wed May 21 2008 - 13:22:14 PDT
Certainly no problem with the simulator detecting
  I(p, n) <+ $mfactor*V(p, n);


  reff = R / $mfactor;
  I(p, n) <+ V(p, n) / reff;

as errors. The check here is just to see if for any given branch there is a 
direct or indirect dependency on the $mfactor system task and this sort of 
dependency tracking is done in lots of places.

     reff = R + $rdist_normal(myseed, 0, stddev/sqrt($mfactor));
     I(p, n) <+ V(p, n) / reff;

is also easy to detect. Just need to define a list of functions/tasks where the 
  $mfactor dependency doesn't carry through (I guess all?).

Currently though the LRM allows $mfactor as part of a parameter override (by 
default of it being classed as a parameter and hence "constant")

module top;
   electrical a,b;
   child #(.scale($mfactor)) ch1(a,b);

module child(p,n);
   electrical p,n;
   parameter scale = 0;
   parameter R = 1k;
   analog I(p,n) <+ V(p,n) / (R / scale);

Tracking the dependencies for the parameter 'scale' through the hierarchy is a 
little more painful. Although it is doable, it is probably best avoided.

I think this use should be restricted but can't come up with a nice way to word it.


Geoffrey.Coram wrote:
> I have vague recollections of this, and whether we expected the
> simulator to always be able to tell if the use of $mfactor is
> correct or not.
> Eg
>    I(p, n) <+ $mfactor*V(p, n);
> is clearly wrong; similarly,
>    reff = R / $mfactor;
>    I(p, n) <+ V(p, n) / reff;
> is wrong.
> But
>    I(p, n) <+ V(p, n) / R;
>    reff = R / $mfactor;
> is correct (reff assumed to be an operating-point value,
> and not used in any contributions).
> There were also cases where one might have
>     reff = R + $rdist_normal(myseed, 0, stddev/sqrt($mfactor));
>     I(p, n) <+ V(p, n) / reff;
> and this should be allowed, since mismatch is reduced by
> the square root of $mfactor.
> So, can the simulator always detect when it's an error?
> Or did we decide that this would be too much work for the
> simulator, and had the LRM say a simulator "may" issue
> a warning if it detects improper use?
> -Geoffrey
> Boris Troyanovsky wrote:
>> Hi Geoffrey,
>> I'm not sure when the $mfactor example was added or who the author was.
>> One thing that I do think should be clarified is whether doing
>> I(p, n) <+ $mfactor*V(p, n);
>> is an error or merely a warning. My recollection was that it was intended
>> to be an error, but the LRM currently mentions both "warning" and "error"
>> for this situation.
>> - Boris
>>> Hi, Boris, et al:
>>> Anyone know who made up the example with the illegal $mfactor?
>>> I thought I had let it get into LRM 2.2, but now I see that
>>> Draft 2 had:
>>>    NOTE to self: add an example or two to this section
>>> and then Draft3 had that note struck out, but no change-bars
>>> to indicate that the examples had been added, so maybe that's
>>> why we hadn't thoroughly reviewed the examples.
>>> I noticed three more glitches:
>>> 1) module_a in test_module should have .$mfactor(3), else
>>>     where did the factor of 3 come from?
>>> 2) the line right above Example 2 is a sentence fragment.
>>> 3) In Example 2, module_a is similarly missing .$xposition = 1.1u
>>> -Geoffrey
>>> Boris Troyanovsky wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I think there may also a pair of issues relating to the $mfactor
>>>> specification.
>>>> Issue #1:
>>>> In section 6.3.6 (p. 123), the LRM states: "The simulator shall issue a
>>>> warning if it detects a misuse of the $mfactor in a manner that would
>>>> result in double-scaling." However, just a few lines down, the LRM
>>>> states:
>>>> "The simulator will generate an error" for this situation. So I 
>>>> think we
>>>> should clarify whether this is in fact an error or a warning (my
>>>> recollection is that the original intent was to make it an error).
>>>> Issue #2:
>>>> In Section 9.18 (page 221 / Example 1) the following module has an
>>>> error:
>>>> ===========================
>>>> module module_c(p,n);
>>>> inout p,n;
>>>> electrical p,n;
>>>> parameter r=1.0;
>>>> analog begin
>>>> I(p,n) <+ V(p,n)/(r/$mfactor); // the effective resistance = 1/42
>>>> end
>>>> endmodule
>>>> ===========================
>>>> This usage of $mfactor is prohibited; we can't make explicit
>>>> contributions
>>>> that depend on $mfactor. The example should probably be removed or
>>>> altered.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> - Boris
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>> Hi Sri, Stu,
>>>>> I have still a few minor items that I found when scanning again 
>>>>> through
>>>>> the
>>>>> document:
>>>>> p.vii, ToC, item 5.9.3 is in italics while it should be regular
>>>>> p.14, 2.6.2, 1st line "IEEE STD-754-1985" should use the same notation
>>>>> as
>>>>> the references to IEEE 1364 - it should be written as "IEEE std
>>>>> 754-1985".
>>>>> On page 17 in sectins 2.8.3 and 2.8.4 the system tasks and functions
>>>>> and
>>>>> the compiler directives are described. However, both these sections
>>>>> wrongly
>>>>> say that the Verilog-AMS standard does not introduce new system tasks
>>>>> or
>>>>> compiler directives. To remedy that the following changes are needed:
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.3, 1st paragraph, 1st line: change "three" into "five".
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.3, 1st paragraph, two new bullets after the 2nd bullet:
>>>>> " - Additional $identifier system tasks and functions defined in 
>>>>> Clause
>>>>> 4
>>>>> and Clause 9 of this standard.", and
>>>>> " - Additional $identifier system tasks and functions defined using 
>>>>> VPI
>>>>> as
>>>>> described in Clause 11 and Clause 12 of this standard."
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.3, 2nd paragraph, remove the last sentence "Additional 
>>>>> system
>>>>> tasks and functions with the $identifier construct are not part of 
>>>>> this
>>>>> standard."
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.4, 2nd paragraph, 1st line: change "two" to "three".
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.4, 2nd paragraph, one new bullet after the 1st bullet:
>>>>> " - Additional `identifier compiler directives defined in Clause 10 of
>>>>> this
>>>>> standard."
>>>>> p.17, 2.8.4, remove last line of the page "Additional compiler
>>>>> directives
>>>>> with the `identifier construct are not part of this standard."
>>>>> p.209, 9.7.3, the message arguments of the $fatal, $error, $warning,
>>>>> and
>>>>> $info system tasks are not described in the text. I propose to add
>>>>> after
>>>>> the current last line of the section the following text (taken from
>>>>> IEEE
>>>>> 1800-2007, 17.2, p.245, 7th paragraph):
>>>>> "Each system task can also include additional user-specified
>>>>> information
>>>>> using the same format as the Verilog $display."
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Marq
>>>>> wrote on 15-05-2008 20:15:57:
>>>>>> Stu,
>>>>>> I have minuted the changes discussed in today's meeting. Hopefully i
>>>>>> have got the points across clearly on the different points (and
>>>>>> specifically on chapter 9 changes). Please let me know if you need 
>>>>>> any
>>>>>> additional clarification on these.
>>>>>> Date: 15 May 2008
>>>>>> Geoffrey Coram, Analog Devices
>>>>>> Marek Mierzwinski, Tiburon
>>>>>> Martin O'Leary, Cadence
>>>>>> Stu Sutherland, Sutherland HDL
>>>>>> Patrick O'Halloran, Tiburon
>>>>>> Dave Cronauer, Synospsys
>>>>>> Ken Bakalar, Mentor Graphics
>>>>>> Jonathan David, Qualcomm
>>>>>> Marq Kole, NXP
>>>>>> Sri Chandra, Freescale
>>>>>> Chapter 1: Verilog-AMS introduction
>>>>>> * [clause 1.1, pg 15]: remove Verilog-D reference and the text within
>>>>>> ()
>>>>>> * [clause 1.1, pg 15]: Add "as described in Annex C" in the Verilog-A
>>>>>> reference --> ("also referred to as Verilog-A as described in Annex
>>>>>> C")
>>>>>> Chapter 3: Data types
>>>>>> * [Syntax 3-2, Pg 41]: In value_range syntax definition, the wrong
>>>>>> type
>>>>>> of ` has been used (should not be a back-tick). Same update needs to
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> done in Annex A also.
>>>>>> * [clause 3.4.6, pg 44]: typo on "transistortype"
>>>>>> Chapter 4: Expressions
>>>>>> * [Table 4-14, pg 71]: Use ">=" for sqrt()
>>>>>> * [Table 4-15, pg 72]: Use "<=" for acos()
>>>>>> * [clause 4.5.6, pg 65]: remove ";" in the general form for the ddx()
>>>>>> expression
>>>>>> * [clause 4.5.6, pg 65]: move inout declaration before electrical
>>>>>> declaration in both the diode examples
>>>>>> * [cluase 4.5.6, pg 65, 66]: font correction (bold) for limexp and vt
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> both the diode examples
>>>>>> * [clause, pg 88]: fix font on laplace_zp example for
>>>>>> "white_noise". Should be bold.
>>>>>> * [clause 4.6.4, pg 94]: fix the BNF for noise_table (same fix to be
>>>>>> done in Annex A.8.2)
>>>>>>    | noise_table (constant_concatenation | string [, string ])
>>>>>> Chapter 6: Hierarchical structures
>>>>>> * [clause 6.4, pg 140]: The .model card statement should refer to 
>>>>>> nmos
>>>>>> instead of nmos3
>>>>>> * [clause 6.6.2, pg 154]: ";" missing in module pipeline_adc on the
>>>>>> top
>>>>>> of the page
>>>>>> Chapter 7: Mixed signal
>>>>>> * [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: add "inout anet" to the converter example.
>>>>>> * [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: add "output dnet" to the converter example.
>>>>>> * [clause 7.3.2, pg 165]: The last statement in the analog block
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> say V(anet) <+ dnet; instead of V(anet) <+ 1'bz;
>>>>>> Chapter 9: System tasks and functions
>>>>>> * [syntax 9-8, pg 224]: remove ";"
>>>>>> * [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Remove the first half of the "if" 
>>>>>> clause in
>>>>>> the last sentence in paragraph beginning with "The random_seed
>>>>>> argument
>>>>>> may take one of several forms"...The last sentence will just read 
>>>>>> "The
>>>>>> function returns a new 32-bit random number each time it is called."
>>>>>> * [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: In the paragraph starting with "$arandom
>>>>>> supports the seed argument..."
>>>>>>    The second sentence should say the following: "The
>>>>>> analog_random_seed
>>>>>> argument can also be a parameter or a constant, in which case the
>>>>>> system
>>>>>> function does not update the parameter value". (added parameter 
>>>>>> before
>>>>>> value to make it more explicit).
>>>>>> * [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Please add the following new sentence 
>>>>>> after
>>>>>> the second sentence in the same paragraph:
>>>>>>    "However an internal seed is created which is assigned the initial
>>>>>> value of the parameter or constant and the internal seed gets updated
>>>>>> every time the call to $arandom is made."
>>>>>> * [clause 9.13.1, pg 224]: Change cross-reference to 6.3 instead of
>>>>>> 6.4
>>>>>> * [Syntax 9-9, pg 225]: remove ";" for the distribution functions.
>>>>>> * [Syntax 9-9, pg 225]: fix font for ")" in rdist_t syntax
>>>>>> * [clause 9.13.2, pg 225]: In bullet point #3 add the above two fixes
>>>>>> done for $arandom with parameter seed (adding parameter and inserting
>>>>>> the new sentence):
>>>>>>    "... upon successive calls to the system function. If the seed
>>>>>> argument is parameter or constant, then the system function does not
>>>>>> update the parameter value. However an internal seed is created which
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> assigned the initial value of the parameter or constant and the
>>>>>> internal
>>>>>> seed gets updated every time the call to $arandom is made. This makes
>>>>>> the system function useable for parameter initialization."
>>>>>> Chapter 10: Compiler directives
>>>>>> * [clause 10.6, pg 254]: ";" missing in "input sin;" in the 
>>>>>> example at
>>>>>> the very bottom of the page.
>>>>>> * [clause 10.6, pg 255]: Add the following note before the example 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> VAMS-2.3
>>>>>>    Note: The identifier logic is not a keyword in Verilog-AMS v2.3,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> is a keyword in the P1800-2005 System Verilog standard.
>>>>>> * [clause 10.6, pg 255]: "electrical" and "logic" should not be bold
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the example given to describe VAMS-2.3
>>>>>> Annex A: Formal syntax definition
>>>>>> * [A.2.5, pg 343]: use correct ` (tick) for the value_range_type.
>>>>>> * [A.8.2, pg 359]: fix syntax definition for noise_table
>>>>>>    | noise_table (constant_concatenation | string [, string ])
>>>>>> Annex D: Standard definitions
>>>>>> * [Annex D.1, pg 372]: domain discrete needs ';'
>>>>>> Annex E: Spice Compatability
>>>>>> * [Annex E.1.2, pg 378]: the blank bullet (bullet # 4) to be deleted.
>>>>>> * [Annex E.1.2, pg 378]: Bullet #3 and #5 to be merged into one.
>>>>>> Annex G: Open issues
>>>>>> * Annex G to be deleted from the LRM.
>>>>>> Annex H: Change history
>>>>>> * [Table H.4, pg 398]: Items 14 & 16 are duplicates. Stu to verify.
>>>>>> * [Table H.4, pg 398]: In item 17, cross/timer/above have an
>>>>>> additional
>>>>>> enable argument.
>>>>>> * [Table H.4, pg 398]: Items 33 and 34 can be merged into single item
>>>>>> * [Table H.4, pg 399]: Add new item saying "Annex G of LRM v2.2 has
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> deleted. Annex C of LRM v2.2 has been split and the section 
>>>>>> describing
>>>>>> the changes from previous LRM versions has been documented in this
>>>>>> Annexure (Annex H)."
>>>>>> * [clause H.1.1, pg 399]: Clause H.1.1 should become H.2
>>>>>> Next Committee Meeting:
>>>>>> * Planned for Monday, May 19th 7am Pacific time
>>>>>> * Stu plans to release the next version of the document before the 
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> of this week. Stu will send across two versions, one with change bars
>>>>>> (to reflect the changes from today's meeting) and one without change
>>>>>> bars - the official draft4 version.
>>>>>> * Once all the changes are ratified by the committee, the clean LRM
>>>>>> v2.3
>>>>>> draft4 version will be submitted to the Accellera board from approval
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Sri
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Srikanth Chandrasekaran
>>>>>> Design Technology (Tools Development)
>>>>>> Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
>>>>>> T:+91-120-439 5000 p:x3824 f: x5199
>>>>>> -- 
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-- its another day for you and me in paradise
-- David Miller
-- Design Technology (Austin)
-- Freescale Semiconductor
-- Ph : 512 996-7377 Fax: x7755

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