The CS5540 is a low-power and low-voltage Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which achieves highly accurate conversions using a simple non-programmable interface that is easy to understand and use. It is optimized to convert analog signals in DC measurement applications, such as temperature and pressure measurement, as well as various portable devices where low-power consumption is required. To accommodate these applications, the ADC integrates analog input and reference buffers for increased input impedance and a two-channel multiplexer. The CS5540 includes a digital filter which achieves simultaneous rejection of 50/60 Hz signals and provides single conversion settling at 6.7 SPS throughput. Absolute accuracy is achieved via continuous internal self-calibration. The device draws a nominal 330 µA. Low-power, low-voltage operation, and a simple serial interface make the CS5540 an ideal device for low-cost, power-conscious DC measurement applications.