The CS5541 is a 24-bit, low-power, low-voltage, Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It is optimized to convert analog signals in DC measurement applications, such as temperature and pressure measurement and various portable devices where low-power consumption is required. To accommodate these applications, the A/D converter integrates analog input and reference buffers for increased input impedance and includes a two-channel multiplexer. Absolute accuracy is achieved via one-time or continuous calibration modes. The device draws less than 330µA. The CS5541 includes two digital filters. The first filter, which achieves simultaneous rejection of 50/60 Hz, provides single conversion settling at 13.4 SPS throughput or four conversion settling at 53.7 SPS throughput. The second filter, which achieves 16-bit performance, provides single conversion settling at 64.8 SPS throughput or four conversion settling at 260 SPS throughput. Low-power, low-voltage operation and an easy-to-configure serial interface reduces time-to-market and makes the CS5541 an ideal device for low-cost, power-conscious DC measurement applications.