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How do I use my Sealevel Digital I/O Card with Wonderware INControl?     
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How do I use my Sealevel Digital I/O Card with Wonderware INTouch?
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3rd Party Software

WonderWare ModBus Communication
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The purpose of this White Paper is to document how to configure WonderWare InControl to use Sealevel Systems SeaIO ActiveX control.

Sealevel Systems SeaIO ActiveX control is implemented as an ActiveX DLL. This means the SeaIO ActiveX control will be loaded into the process space of the ActiveX container application. Since the SeaIO ActiveX control will reside in the process space of the container application, there is no need for Marshaling the data between the container application and the SeaIO ActiveX object. This reduces overhead and increases performance over an ActiveX EXE implementation. Another advantage is the ability to be used by any OLE automation client, such as Microsoft Office applications.

This paper assumes that WonderWare InControl is already installed on your system. It also assumes that SeaIO is already installed on your system and that all installed SeaIO cards are functioning properly. Begin by starting a new project.

The first step is to add the Sealevel ActiveIO Control to your new project. Right click "Programs" on the left side of the main screen and select "New Program …" from the pop-up dialog. The following dialog should now appear. Highlight "Factory Object" and click "OK".

The dialog below now appears. Select the "Install Control" tool button (Blue) and the next dialog appears.

Since Sealevels’ SeaIO software is already installed, highlight "ActiveIo_Device Control" and click "OK". You are now returned to the earlier dialog which should now appear.

With the ActiveIo Control highlighted, click "OK" and the main project screen should now appears.

Click "Save" and the main project screen will be updated to show the added ActiveX control.

Right click "Programs" again and select "New Program …" to bring up the following dialog. Highlight "Structured Text" and click "OK".

When the next dialog appears, name your structured text language program and click "Save".

Next click the "Insert" menu and choose "Symbol". The following dialog should appear. After selecting "ActiveIo_Device1" the items on the right should appear. Select "deviceNumber" and click "OK" to continue.

This will insert the ActiveIO "deviceNumber" command into your STL program. To complete this instruction you must assign your SeaIO device number to this command.

This command is used to open the card for access. In this example our SeaIO device number is 5. Your device number can be determined by using Device Manager to look at the installed SeaIO Devices. This will be shown in parenthesis as a card number (Card X). The next step is to create a Global symbol that can be used to return the status of one input bit. Start by clicking the "Tools" menu and selecting "Symbol Manager".

Make sure the "Global" category is selected and click the "New" symbol button. The following dialog will now appear. Enter the information as it is shown.

Click the "Add Global" button and you are returned to the previous dialog.

Click the "Close" button to complete adding this symbol. We will now use this symbol in conjunction with our ActiveIO "ReadBit" command to read the status of one input. The symbol and command must be inserted into the STL program. Click the "Insert" menu and select "Symbol" and a familiar dialog now appears:

Select "Global" and "USB_Input1" then click "OK" to continue. This process must be repeated to insert the "ReadBit" command. Once again select the "Insert" menu and choose "Symbol". Be sure to select "ActiveIo_Device1" and "ReadBit".

The main screen should now appear as below. Please note the parameters associated with the ReadBit command have already been entered. The first parameter specifies the bit to be read and the second parameter specifies the addressing mode, absolute or relative. In this example we are reading the first bit, which is zero based, and the addressing mode is relative. For more information consult SeaIO Help which was installed during the setup of SeaIO.

Now we will add to the project a means to verify that the input is changing state. Right click "Programs" and select "New Program …".

Select "RLL Program" and click "OK". When the pop-up dialog appears, name your RLL program and click "Save".

Now we will add a Contact to this rung by using the "Contact Tool" button. Click the "Contact Tool" button and drop the contact on the rung.

Select "USB_Input1" and be sure the contact type is "Closed". In our example we are using a closed contact because the example is done with one of our USB TTL digital I/O cards. With no input connected, the pull-up resistor on the input biases the input to a logical 1. When the input is connected, it is actually switched to ground. The closed contact is used as a means of inverting the input. Click "OK" to continue.

You are now ready to run your project. To change the state of the input, we are using one of our Test Adapters, Part No. TA01, which connects to the digital I/O card thru an industry standard 50 pin ribbon cable. This test adapter has dip switches to simulate inputs and LED’s to simulate outputs. Though this is a very basic example, it provides the necessary concepts to use our ActiveX control for more complex control applications. To run your project, select the "Runtime" menu and choose "Run Project".

Be sure "Full Restart" is selected and click "OK". After the project loads, change the state of the input and watch the contact in the RLL program. When the input is true the contact should be green.


WonderWare InTouch
ModBus Communication

Download the PDF file to view the complete installation instructions including pictures.
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The purpose of this White Paper is to document how to configure WonderWare InTouch to use Sealevel Systems SeaIO ActiveX control.

Sealevel Systems SeaIO ActiveX control is implemented as an ActiveX DLL. This means the SeaIO ActiveX control will be loaded into the process space of the ActiveX container application. Since the SeaIO ActiveX control will reside in the process space of the container application, there is no need for Marshaling the data between the container application and the SeaIO ActiveX object. This reduces overhead and increases performance over an ActiveX EXE implementation. Another advantage is the ability to be used by any OLE automation client, such as Microsoft Office applications.

This paper assumes that WonderWare InTouch is already installed on your system. It also assumes that SeaIO is already installed on your system and that all installed SeaIO cards are functioning properly. Begin by starting a new project.

Using your mouse, click the ‘File’ drop down menu and select ‘New Window’.

Enter a name for your new window and click ‘OK’.

Next we must drop the SeaIO ActiveX control onto this window. To do this, begin by clicking the ‘Special’ drop down menu, choose ‘Configure’, and then ‘Wizard/ActiveX Installation’.

Click the ‘ActiveX Control Installation’ tab, highlight ActiveIo_Device Control, and click ‘Install’.

Click ‘Close’ to complete the installation of the SeaIO ActiveX control. Now click the ‘Wizards’ tool button.

Highlight ‘ActiveIoDeviceCtrl’ and click ‘OK’. Use your mouse to drop the control on the window.

Next we will create an input I/O tag and assign it to an LED indicator on the window. If the input is ‘True’, we will illuminate the LED. First we must create the tagname. Double click ‘Tagname Dictionary’ in the window on the left. When the dialog appears, click ‘New” and enter the following information:

Be sure to set the type to ‘Memory Discrete’. When you are done, click ‘Save’ to save this tagname and then ‘Close’ to close this window.

Click the ‘Wizards’ tool button again, select ‘Lights’ and highlight the ‘Tube Light’. Click ‘OK’ and drop the light on the window. Double click the light.

Assign the tagname ‘Input1’ we created earlier to the light by entering this in the ‘Expression’ field. Click “OK” and drop the light on the window.

Next we will add a button labeled “Open Card” that when clicked will open the card so that it can be accessed. Draw the button, right click on it and use the “Substitute Strings” function to make the button appear.

Right click the “Open Card” button again, select “Animation Links …”, and under the category “Touch Pushbuttons” click “Action”.  Enter the script shown above making sure that you enter the correct SeaIO device number for your installed card. In this case the device number is 5. Your device number can be found by using the Device Manager under SeaIO Devices. CardOpen is a memory discrete that we will use later to know that the card has been opened. Be sure that the script is created for the “On Key Down” condition type. Click “OK” to continue. To complete this simple demo, two additional scripts must be created. One is a window script that will scan one bit of I/O on a specified interval and the other is an application script that is used to insure that the CardOpen variable is initialized correctly. First we will create the window script. Use the mouse to right click anywhere on the window and select “Window Scripts”. Enter the following script:

This script will do the following. While the window is showing and the card is open, it will scan the first bit of I/O on the selected SeaIO device every 20Ms. We have assigned this to the earlier created tagname “Input1” which we attached to the light. If the value read is 0 then the light will be red. If we read a 1 the light will be green. Again please be sure the condition type is set to “While Showing”. Now click the “Condition Type” drop down and select “On Hide”. Enter the following script so that CardOpen will be initialized the next time the window is opened.

The last step is to create an application script to initialize CardOpen on startup. On the left side of the main screen, click  “Scripts” and the double click “Application”.  Create the simple script below.

 Make sure the “Condition Type” is set to “On Startup”. Click “OK”.  The demo application is now ready to run. Click “Runtime” to execute the application. Click the “Open Card” button and the application should begin scanning the input. To change the state of the input, we used one of our TA01 test adapters connected to a USB digital I/O card. This is a very simple demo but it does demonstrate the basics required to use our ActiveX I/O control. The concepts shown here can be easily expanded to facilitate a larger quantity of I/O.