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SPARCTM V8 Technology
Frequently Asked Technical Questions (FAQs)

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The following section has answers to some frequently asked questions concerning the microSPARCTM-IIep architecture and design.

Overview of the microSPARC-IIep design

  1. What is the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  2. What applications is the microSPARC-IIep design targeted for? 
  3. What instructions does the microSPARC-IIep design support?
About the microSPARC-IIep Microarchitecture
  1. What are the main functional units in the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  2. Does the microSPARC-IIep design use any custom blocks that licensees have to design? If so, what are they? 
  3. What is the size and power dissipation for the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  4. What is the frequency at which the microSPARC-IIep design can run? 
Designs with the microSPARC-IIep Design
  1. What are the deliverables for the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  2. What is the format in which the microSPARC-IIep design is available? 
  3. Is the microSPARC-IIep design developed for a particular process? 
  4. What CAD design tools are used in the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  5. What platforms is the microSPARC-IIep design environment based on? 
  6. Can licensees define their own instructions? 
  7. Can licensees make microarchitectural enhancements to the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  8. What is the microSPARC-IIep design Validation Test Suite? What does it test? 
  9. How do licensees access the microSPARC-IIep design VTS? 
  10. Are chips that are based on the microSPARC-IIep design available today? 
  11. Has Sun designed any reference boards based on the microSPARC-IIep design? 
Software and Development Tools for the microSPARC-IIep Design
  1. Is there a Java virtual machine port for the microSPARC-IIep design? 
  2. What other operating systems are supported? 
  3. What development tools are available for the microSPARC-IIep design? 

Overview of the microSPARC-IIep design

  1. Q: What is the microSPARC-IIep design?

  2. The microSPARC-IIep design is a highly integrated, low-cost implementation of the SPARCTM-V8 architecture. The design includes on-chip instruction and data caches, a low cost floating-point unit, a SPARC reference Memory Management Unit (MMU) with a 32-entry TLB and interfaces to an EDO DRAM (up to 256 Mbytes), and a 32-bit PCI bus. The microSPARC-IIep design is developed using ASIC design methodology, which can be easily ported to different processes from different vendors for speeds up to 125 MHz in a 0.3 micron CMOS process. 

    Licensees can customize a version of the same design to achieve even higher clock rates with smaller die size. 

  3. Q: What applications is the microSPARC-IIep design targeted for? 

  4. The microSPARC-IIep is targeted for "System-On-a-Chip" embedded applications that require a high performance, low-cost SPARC core. The efficient instruction set of the SPARC architecture along with the large register file, which consists of eight windows with a total of 136 registers, allows this single-issue design to offer better than 1 Dhrystone MIPS per MHz--sufficient for many embedded applications, such as set-top boxes, smart phones, and PDAs. 

  5. Q: What instructions does the microSPARC-IIep design support?

  6. The microSPARC-IIep design implements the complete SPARC-V8 instruction set. SPARC architecture V8 is the 32-bit version of the SPARC architecture, which has been used in Sun Microsystems desktops and servers since 1987. For details of the instruction set, see The SPARC Architecture Manual (version 8). 

    About the microSPARC-IIep Microarchitecture

  7. Q: What are the main functional units in the microSPARC-IIep design?

  8. The microSPARC-IIep design consists of the following major units: 

    • Integer Unit (IU) 
    • Floating Point Unit (FPU) 
    • Memory Management Unit (MMU) 
    • Instruction/Data Cache Unit (CC) 
    • Memory Interface Unit (MEMIF) 
    • PCI Controller Unit (PCIC) 
  9. Q: Does the microSPARC-IIep design use any custom blocks that licensees have to design? If so, what are they? 

  10. The microSPARC-IIep design uses a number of megacells that are to be designed as custom blocks. Examples are: 

    • The register file, an eight-window, 136-entry register file with two read ports and two write ports 
    • Instruction cache data and tag RAMs 
    • Data cache data and tag RAMs 
    • 32-entry TLB 
    • The ROM for FPU microcode 
    These megacells are high-level behavioral models in the microSPARC-IIep Verilog design. 
  11. Q: What is the size and power dissipation for the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  12. The microSPARC-IIep design uses a 16-Kbyte instruction cache and an 8-Kbyte data cache. To save area and power, licensees can modify the design and use smaller cache sizes. The size and power dissipation of the microSPARC-IIep design depends on the size of the caches used as well as the following two parameters: 

    The process geometry and the number of metal layers used The design methodology (ASIC versus the custom design approach) 

    Licensees should synthesize the design with their own libraries and compute the accurate gate count from the results. They can then estimate the size and power based on the gate count, frequency, megacell design data, and their process or design methodology. 

  13. Q: What is the frequency at which the microSPARC-IIep design can run? 

  14. The microSPARC-IIep design is a RTL design and can be targeted to any process and library. The frequency at which it can run depends on the process and the library in which it is designed. The Operating frequency would to be from 0-150MHz in 0.25u technology and 0-200MHz in 0.18u technology. Sun has demonstrated an implementation of the microSPARC-IIep design using an ASIC methodology in a 0.3 micron CMOS process, which runs at speeds of 100-120 MHz. 

    Designs with the microSPARC-IIep Design

  15. Q: What are the deliverables for the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  16. The microSPARC-IIep design database includes the following: 

    • The Verilog RTL source for the design 
    • The SPARC instruction simulator 
    • The simulation environment for the design 
    • The source for the test suites that are used to verify the design Documentation 
    • The SPARC Architecture Manual/Version 8 
    • microSPARC-IIep User's Manual 
    • microSPARC-IIep Validation Catalog 
    • microSPARC-IIep Megacell Reference 
    • Multiprocessor SPARC Architecture Simulator (MPSAS) User's Guide 
    • Multiprocessor SPARC Architecture Simulator (MPSAS) Programmer's Guide 
  17. Q: What is the format in which the microSPARC-IIep design is available? 

  18. The microSPARC-IIep design, developed in Verilog's RTL language, consists of high-level behavioral megacell models and fully synthesizable logic for the rest of the design. You can synthesize the design with a cell library of your preference. Synthesis results and the clock frequency that you achieve depend on your synthesis approach and cell library. 

  19. Q: Is the microSPARC-IIep design developed for a particular process?

  20. No. The Verilog model of the microSPARC-IIep design contains no process-specific data, hence the design can be retargeted to any process. We recommend, however, that you choose a 0.3 micron or better process to achieve the expected clock frequency with minimum customization. 

  21. Q: What CAD design tools are used in the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  22. Two major CAD tools are used in the design: 

    • Verilog (for RTL description): The RTL is simulated or verified with Cadence Verilog-XL or Synopsys VCS. 
    • Synthesis: The RTL is synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler. 
  23. Q: What platforms is the microSPARC-IIep design environment based on? 

  24. Sparc and SolarisTM platforms are the basis for the microSPARC-IIep. Both platforms are fully supported. However, porting the simulation environment and tools to other platforms may be possible, although these are not tested or verified.

  25. Q: Can licensees define their own instructions?

  26. One key factor in the compliance with the SPARC architecture is its Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). For tools and applications to function properly on all implementations based on the microSPARC-IIep design, the ISA must be the same across all designs. The SPARC V8 architecture reserves a number of opcodes as "user-defined" instructions, such as coprocessor instructions. However, licensees must be aware that such instructions are not supported by standard tools. Of course, licensees need comply with the ISA only if they intend to use the final design in commercial products that carry the SPARC V8 logo. 

  27. Q: Can licensees make microarchitectural enhancements to the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  28. The microSPARC-IIep design is an implementation of the SPARC V8 ISA. Licensees can use this design as a reference to optimize, enhance, and reduce the costs of their implementations or modify it for use in applications. The final designs must, however, pass the compliance test suite if they are intended for use in commercial products that carry the SPARC V8 logo. 

  29. Q: What is the microSPARC-IIep design Validation Test Suite? What does it test?

  30. The microSPARC-IIep Validation Test Suite, a suite of tests written in SPARC assembly language, verifies the functionality of the design. This test suite consists of many tests that are targeted at testing different units within the design and verifying the entire instruction set and corner cases for different instruction sequences. 

  31. Q: How do licensees access the microSPARC-IIep design VTS? 

  32. Licensees can access the microSPARC-IIep VTS as part of the design database available on the Sun Community Source License (CSL) Web site. 

  33. Q: Are chips that are based on the microSPARC-IIep design available today? 

  34. The microSPARC-IIep design database is the exact design database that is used in fabricating the microSPARC-IIep chip, a product from Sun Microsystems, Inc. The functionality of this chip has been fully verified in a number of designs from Sun as well as customers who have used it. The microSPARC-IIep chip has been in production since 1998. 

  35. Q: Has Sun designed any reference boards based on the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  36. Sun has designed several board products based on the microSPARC-IIep chip, one of which is called CP1200, a compact PCI board for use in embedded applications. Another product is the JavaEngineTM 1 board, which is mainly used as a demonstration for the JavaOSTM operating system running on the microSPARC-IIep chip. 

    Software and Development Tools for the microSPARC-IIe Design

  37. Q: Is there a Java virtual machine port for the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  38. Sun has ported an early version of the JavaOS operating system (JDK 1.1.3) to the JavaEngine 1 board based on the microSPARC-IIep design. Sun may make this port available to licensees in the future. 

  39. Q: What other operating systems are supported? 

  40. In addition to the JavaOS operating systems, VxWorks has also been ported to the CP1200 CompactPCI (cPCI) board, which is based on the microSPARC-IIep design. Linux is also supported on the microSPARC-IIep processor.

  41. Q: What development tools are available for the microSPARC-IIep design? 

  42. The microSPARC-IIep design being a SPARC-compliant design, you can use all standard SPARC development tools for development projects. 


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