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Last updated: Thu Jul 16 20:00:55 US/Pacific 1998
xcell29.pdf            1851 Kb  XCell Journal #29 Q3/98 Quarterly Journal; See
			        HTML Contents at
				For All Platforms
				Uploaded: 07-16-98
mti_vhdl.tar.Z            7 Kb  A CSH script used to compile the Xilinx A1.4
			        VHDL libraries for the Model Technology Modelsim
				Solution #: 1923
				For All Unix
				SW Release: 1.4
				Uploaded: 07-09-98
mti_verilog.tar.Z         8 Kb  A CSH script used to compile the Xilinx A1.4
			        Verilog libraries for the Model Technology
			        Modelsim simulator
				Solution #: 1923
				For All Unix
				SW Release: 1.4
				Uploaded: 07-09-98

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