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Active-CAD™ for Xilinx 
 Exclusive! Limited time offer for 
Foundation Series customers 

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System Level Design for Xilinx devices!
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Once your programmable logic design is done, the Xilinx device still needs to be integrated into your system (PCB) design.  Aldec's system level design tool, Active-CAD, is specifically designed to simplify this design and verification process. In order to make it easier for Xilinx Foundation customers to take advantage of this powerful technology, Xilinx and Aldec are excited to offer Active-CAD for a limited time to Xilinx Foundation customers at $2,995 U.S.! 

The Active-CAD for Xilinx promotion complements the Foundation Series products by allowing Xilinx designers to perform system-level design and simulation using the same intuitive interface which has been built for the Foundation series tools.. 

Active-CAD for Xilinx is sold and supported exclusively by Aldec and it's authorized distributors.  Designers owning any Xilinx Foundation Series product are eligible to take advantage of this special offer. 


“I previously spent 6 weeks in debugging my system level design, containing multiple Xilinx FPGAs and discrete logic devices.  Since purchasing Active-CAD, I have been able to debug the same design within days.” Don Conemac, VP of Hardware Development for Advanced Laser Technology 

"The same system level design problem that I was working on for over 2 months with another PC based EDA tool,  I was able to resolve in just 2 days using Active-CAD."  Carlos Monzon, DSUP System Engineer at B-1B Defensive System, USAF 

“Aldec’s contributions to the Foundation series solution are key to the products success.  Their extension of these technologies to the Active-CAD for Xilinx promotion ensures a highly integrated, easy to use System-Level design solution for Xilinx designers” says Rich Sevcik, Sr. Vice President of Software at Xilinx 

Accelerated System Design Cycle

Use of the Active-CAD design tools accelerates the system-level 
design cycle because: 
  • Active-CAD automatically generates symbols for the Xilinx devices on the board 
  • The Active-CAD user interface is essentially the same as that of the Foundation tools, and thus there are no new EDA tools to learn to perform the system level design.  Learn it once for both design tasks.

Accelerated System Verification Cycle

The Active-CAD tools provide system-level verification capabilities which enable designers to simulate multiple Xilinx programmable Logic devices along with standard logic devices (including CMOS & TTL) and  Memory devices.  Microprocessor symbols and simulation models are also available for an additional fee.  Once again, the ability to use the same simulator for the verification of the System design means there is no additional learning curve 

System-level simulation accelerates the overall system design verification as it is generally much easier to identify design functionality and timing problems when working with a simulator than debugging on a test bench. 

Simplified PCB Layout

Active-CAD provides direct links to the industries most popular PCB layout tools, including PADS™, Allegro™, Protel™; contact Aldec for a complete list of supported interfaces. 

These proven links simplify the process of laying out a board by providing direct error navigation to the source design, cross probing, etc. Now a complete system-level design (from Silicon to PCB) may be completed leveraging the simplicity of a standard Windows interface. 

Supported Libraries

TTL - Aldec offers a complete set of TTL symbols and simulation models for your system level design requirements. The TTL library includes all families 54/74, from the standard LS to the AS, ALS devices.  For a complete list of TTL symbols (LS, ALS, S, F, etc..) and simulation models, please refer to TTL.ZIPInternet Link file. 

Passive - A complete library of symbols and simulation models for Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors and Switches 

CMOS - The CMOS library includes such families, as 74Cxxx, HC, HCT, ACT, AC, CD, FCT, the older CD4000 parts, and similar CMOS devices. For a complete list of CMOS symbols and simulation models, please refer to CMOS.ZIPInternet Link file. 

Memory - A complete set of RAM, ROM, SRAM, DRAM, FIFO, Dual Port, etc. symbols and simulation models for your system level designs.  For a complete list of Memory symbols and simulation models, please refer to MEMORY.ZIPInternet Link file. 

Xilinx Programmable Logic Device support - Aldec's offers complete support for all of the latest programmable logic devices that Xilinx offers, including the following families: XC3000A, XC3000L*, XC3100A*, XC3100L*, XC4000E, XC4000L, XC4000EX, XC4000XL, XC4000XV*, XC5200*, XC9500. (*support available with Foundation release 1.4) 

Optional Microprocessor Libraries: 

Intel 8051, 8052, 8031, 8032 Microprocessors. This library simulates the actual processor code which can be downloaded into the internal or external memory from a HEX file. Each model comes with a control panel which displays processor registers, code disassembly and hex data. 
Excellent choice if you want to test your entire controller board at the system level. 

Zilog Z80 MPU model contains full simulation model which executes program instructions. You can interact with the internal registers and flags while the simulation is in progress. 

Motorola MPU library provides a fully functional model of the M6809 microprocessor. The model executes all instruction cycles the way a real part would. 

To order or get more information contact Aldec at: 

Toll Free - North America:  (800) 487-8743 
Outside North America:  (702) 456-1222 
FAX:  (702) 456-1310 

Please include the part number below, 
Part number: Active-CAD/XLX 

Description: System Level Design Entry, VHDL, Verilog and Abel Entry, System Level Project Management and simulation of multiple TTL, CMOS, Memory and Xilinx devices. 

Note: VHDL and Verilog logic synthesis are incorporated into Active-CAD for Xilinx, assuming you own a version of Foundation that includes this feature. 

12-month Maintenance contract included with purchase of Active-CAD for Xilinx 
Three Sunset Way, Suite F, 
Henderson, NV 89015, 
www.aldec.comInternet Link

Picture of Mirotech PCB courtesy of 
www.mirotech.comInternet Link 
4205 Poirier, Suite 106, 
St-Laurent, (QC) 
(514) 956-0060 
(514) 956-0058 FAX


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