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Foundation ISE Evaluation CD Installation Instructions


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NOTE: This evaluation software should not be installed on a PC which already has Xilinx software installed. ·

Installation Steps

  • Installing Foundation Series ISE 3.3i software: (Required for the XtremeDSP Evaluation)
    • Select and insert the the Design Environment Foundation Series ISE 3.3i CD (CD #2) and Run setup.exe found in the root directory.
    • For more information on installation and system requirements refer to the Release Notes and Installation Guide located on the CD (filename D:\ISE_RelNotes.PDF)
  • Installing CORE Generator and IP Update (Required for the XtremeDSP Evaluation)
    • Extract D:\IP_Update\ to the $XILINX directory
  • Installing StateCAD and HDL Bencher software (Optional)
    • Select Partner Products->Install StateCAD Xilinx Edition or Install HDL Bencher Xilinx Edition from the Xilinx Foundation Series ISE program group (Design Environment CD must be inserted).
  • Installing ModelSim Xilinx Edition software (Note: MXE software is a Xilinx only version of ModelSim, you may also Install the Mentor FPGA Advantage which contains an evaluation version of ModelSim SE)
    • Select Partner Products->Install ModelSim Xilinx Edition from the Xilinx Foundation Series ISE program group (ModelSim Xilinx Edition CD must be inserted).
    • Select the Evaluation Edition to receive a 30-day evaluation license.
    • Please visit to download the latest MXE libraries.
  • Getting started with Foundation Series ISE 3.3i
    • For an overview of ISE, and a basic tutorial, .refer to the Quickstart Guide located on the CD (filename D:\ISE_QSG.PDF)
    • To view a multimedia demonstration of how to use ISE select Documentation->Multimedia Quickstart Presentation from the Foundation Series ISE program group..
  • Using the Xilinx Design Manager
    • For the XtremeDSP design flow it is recommended that you do not use the ISE Project Navigator, but rather use the Xilinx Design Manager.
    • The Xilinx Design Manager is found $xilinx\bin\nt\dsgnmgr.exe -- the $xilinx is the location on your disk where you installed the Foundation ISE software.
    • You can create a desk top "shortcut" by right-mouse-click and save as "short cut". This short cut may then be copied to your desk top or start menu..
    • Documentation on how to use the Xilinx Design Manager is found here
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