New Product CD: MATLABŪ 6.1, SimulinkŪ 4.1, and More

MathWorks Release 12

R12.1 CD image The MathWorks Release 12.1 CD, a new release containing the entire MathWorks product family, is now available and shipping. The MathWorks Release 12.1 includes two new products and significant updates to 20 of our most popular products for test and measurement, data analysis, image processing, control design, DSP, communications, and embedded applications.

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Release 12.1 Highlights

MATLAB 6.1 New Features

MATLAB 6.1 offers several improvements to the desktop tools, new and enhanced math functions, and additional support for scientific data file formats. Highlights include:

  MATLAB desktop: Enhancements to the Command Window, Editor/Debugger, Current Directory Browser, and Workspace Browser
File formats: New support for the popular CDF (Common Data Format) and FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file formats, plus added support for HDF and HDF-EOS data files
Mathematical algorithms:
  - New function, deval, for evaluating the solution of a differential equation problem as a vector of points from the interval in which the problem was solved
  - delaunay, convhull, voronoi, and griddata functions based on Qhull
Character string handling: New strfind function that searches for all occurrences of a string pattern in a longer string
Audio data: Two new functions for playing and recording audio data (32-bit Windows only)
Printing for international users: New default settings for the papertype and paperunits properties based on ISO country codes
Extended Java support: Ability to concatenate arrays of Java objects with unequal dimensions
Fortran external API: New functions for Fortran MX, MEX, MAT, and Engine capabilities

Simulink 4.1 New Features

Simulink 4.1 provides enhancements to the graphical interface that make it easier to create and edit Simulink models. In addition, many blocks have been added or updated. Highlights include:

  Autoconnecting and autorouting of signal lines for easier model building
Support for saving Simulink 4.1 models in Simulink 3 format
New control flow blocks, such as If, Switch Case, For Iterator, and While Iterator, for driving conditionally executed subsystems
New S-function Builder block that generates an S-function from your specifications, making it easier to incorporate C code into a Simulink model
Enhanced Undo command for undoing blocks, lines, annotations, and the Create Subsystem command
Enhanced Simulink debugger for including breakpoints on function-call subsystems, using the display and probe commands on virtual blocks, and generating clearer, more informative messages during accelerated simulations
New Bus Creator block for combining the output of multiple blocks into a single signal bus
Pulse Generator block now has two modes: time-based and sample-based (discrete)
Floating Scope block with enhancements for signal selection and saving selected signals

New Products in Release 12.1

Virtual Reality Toolbox 2
The Virtual Reality Toolbox extends the capabilities of MATLAB and Simulink into the world of virtual reality graphics. Using standard Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) technology, you can create animated 3-D scenes that are driven from the MATLAB and Simulink environment. Highlights include:
  Client/server architecture for single computer or network operation
Interaction with a real-time simulation generated by Real-Time Workshop
Support for most VRML 97 standard nodes, allowing complete control over associated virtual worlds

Products with Upgrades in Release 12.1

CDMA Reference Blockset 1.1 lets you design and simulate IS-95A mobile phone equipment. New features include:
  Frame-based signal support, providing full compatibility with the DSP Blockset and the Communications Blockset

Communications Blockset 2.01
lets you design and simulate communication systems. New features include:
  New Getting Started tutorial
New blocks in the Utility Function library that convert between bipolar and unipolar signals
Error Rate Calculation block enhancements, allowing error statistics to determine the duration of the simulation
Integrator block enhancements that allow you to specify the integration algorithm
New function that generates prime numbers for use as initial seed parameters in blocks that produce random output

Control System Toolbox 5.1 lets you design and analyze feedback control systems. New features include:
  SISO Design Tool enhancements:
  - Graphical design of pre-filter compensators
  - Interactive Nichols plot to graphically tune the open-loop gain and phase response
  - Graphical design constraints to help visualize design criteria such as damping, peak closed-loop gain, gain and phase margins, and open-loop roll-off
Enhanced control algorithms:
  - M-circle support in the Nyquist plot
  - New function that calculates the bandwidth of SISO systems
  - LTI models with complex data that let you specify transfer functions or state-space models with complex coefficients

Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.1 lets you acquire and output data from plug-in data acquisition boards. New features include:
  Support for additional National Instruments data acquisition boards: 445x Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) Series boards, additional analog output boards, and digital I/O boards

Database Toolbox 2.2 lets you exchange data with relational databases. New features include:

  Retrieval and exporting of data in numeric, structure, or cell array format, as specified via preferences
Additional options for specifying error-handling preferences

Datafeed Toolbox 1.3 lets you acquire real-time financial data from data service providers. New features include:

  Support for the Hyperfeed data server
Functions for obtaining price, profits, historical, and tick data from Hyperfeed

DSP Blockset 4.1 lets you design and simulate DSP systems. New features include:

  Infrastructure improvements for more efficient code generation
Additional data type support (including single precision and fixed-point) for several of the DSP blocks
Blocks for adaptive filtering
Integration with FDATool, a GUI for filter design and analysis provided in the Signal Processing and Filter Design Toolboxes

Filter Design Toolbox 2.1 lets you design advanced digital filters and fixed-point implementations. New features include:

  New FIR and IIR filter design methods, including halfband FIR design, Nyquist (L-th band) design, and interpolated FIR design
Design methods for adaptive filters, including Kalman, least mean squares, and recursive least squares
Minimum phase spectrum factorization

Fixed-Point Blockset 3.1 lets you design and simulate fixed-point systems. New features include:

  More than 60 new blocks that streamline common operations, such as performing calculations that depend on sample time, generating arbitrary wave forms, and limiting the rate of control signals
Tools to support approximating functions with look-up tables
Support for matrix- and frame-based signals
More efficient code generation

Image Processing Toolbox 3.1 lets you perform image processing, analysis, and algorithm development. The Image Processing Toolbox 3, released recently in Web-downloadable form, included the following enhancements:

  New morphology functions
New spatial transformation functions
New image registration functions, with a new visual interface
New integer image arithmetic functions
New integer image filtering function
New image deblurring (deconvolution) functions
Support for files in DICOM format (a common format in medical applications)
New image processing demos and examples

Features introduced in version 3.1 (in Release 12.1) include:

  New blind deconvolution (deblurring) algorithm
DICOM import enhanced to include JPEG-compressed DICOM files
In addition, support for the FITS and CDF file formats is now provided in MATLAB 6.1

Power System Blockset 2.2 lets you model and simulate electrical power systems. New features include:

  Powergui tool that includes the Display Spectrum of Signal feature, which displays the fast Fourier transform of a specified signal
powerlib_extras library blocks with online Help block reference pages or short help descriptions in their masks

Real-Time Windows Target 2.1 lets you run Simulink and Stateflow models on a PC in real time. New features include:

  Over 90 new device drivers, for a total of 208 supported I/O boards
Two new blocks: Counter Input and Encoder Input
Counter support added to device drivers for most boards that contain a counter chip

Real-Time Workshop 4.1 lets you generate C code from Simulink models. New features include:

  New expression-folding code optimization, improving code efficiency and readability
Block-reduction option that is turned on by default, resulting in faster model execution
Enhancements to the readability of the generated code, including elimination of redundant parentheses, splitting of long C statements across multiple lines, and generation of more informative block comments
Complete documentation for the parameter tuning C API
Display and updating of the simulation time while Simulink is connected to a running external mode target
TLC debugger that helps you identify programming errors in your TLC code by setting breakpoints, executing the code line by line, examining and changing variables, and performing other useful operations

Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 2 lets you generate efficient and embeddable C code from Simulink models (requires Real-Time Workshop). New features include:

  New expression-folding code optimization, improving the efficiency of the generated code
Streamlined model initialization code, avoiding redundant initialization
Code generation option for controlling the initialization of internal and external storage for floats and doubles
Support for using predefined or creating custom storage classes for Simulink data objects, letting you interface with external code, use software engineering constructs to export data structures, import legacy data structures into generated code, or automatically generate data exchange standards, such as ASAM/ASAP2
Enhanced code-generation report format, improving readability
MAT-file logging option that is off by default, eliminating the extra code and memory usage required to maintain logging files

Signal Processing Toolbox 5.1 lets you perform signal processing, analysis, and algorithm development. New features include:

  New data windowing algorithms
Filter Visualization Tool, a new feature of FDATool that lets you view multiple filters and visualize filter analysis functions, such as phase, magnitude, and impulse response, in a single window

Simulink Performance Tools 1.1 lets you manage and optimize the performance of large Simulink models. New features include:

  Model Coverage Tool with three new coverage types: condition coverage, modified condition/decision coverage, and look-up table coverage
Additional block types supported by the Model Coverage Tool, including Look-Up Table, Look-Up Table (2-D), Combinatorial Logic, If, Logical Operator, MinMax, Relay, and Switch Case
New Graphical Merge Tool (replacing the Model Differencing Tool) for detecting and merging model differences into either or both of the models being compared. New features include:
  - New comparison options to compare an in-memory version of a model to the version last saved in the file system or to a version stored in a source control system
  - Model history lists that display on each model content pane
  - Single scrollbar for scrolling both panels simultaneously
  - Feature that aligns the contents of both models for easier visual comparison

Simulink Report Generator 1.2 lets you automatically generate documentation for Simulink and Stateflow models. New features include:

  Sorted Block List component that no longer requires Real-Time Workshop
Block Loop and Block Summary Table that no longer require Real-Time Workshop to perform simulation order sorting
Look-Up Table component that supports n-D Look-Up Table, n-D PreLook-Up Table, and n-D Direct Look-Up Table blocks
Simulink Snapshot and Stateflow Snapshot components that can now include image titles

Stateflow 4.1 and Stateflow Coder 4.1 let you design, simulate, and generate code for event-driven systems. New features include:

  More search options in Stateflow's Search & Replace tool
Stateflow charts that include the graphical innovation of "smart" transitions whose ends slide around the surfaces of states and junctions
Chart annotation (similar to Simulink annotation)

Wavelet Toolbox 2.1 lets you analyze, compress, and de-noise signals and images using wavelet techniques. New features include:

  New Wavelet families, including complex Morlet and Gaussian wavelets and real reverse biorthogonal and discrete Meyer wavelets
New GUI tools for continuous and complex continuous wavelet 1-D transforms, signal and image de-noising, density estimation and regression estimation, and signal and image extension/truncation
New functions, including 1-D and 2-D discrete stationary wavelet transforms and their inverse, 1-D and 2-D threshold computation methods, and 2-D scaling functions
Reorganized GUI menus, allowing for easier implementation of important features for analyzing wavelets

xPC Target 1.2 lets you perform real-time rapid prototyping using PC hardware. New features include:

  New device driver blocks for additional I/O boards
New blocks to support a GPIB field bus as well as CAN and CAN FIFO networks
Support for creating subsystems that execute asynchronously when an event (interrupt) occurs
Software floating-point emulator
Support for 100 Mbit/second Ethernet communication
Faster uploading

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