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System Generator FAQ


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 Q: Who sells the System Generator?
A: Xilinx.

Q: What is the price for the System Generator?
A: The System Generator is being offered at $1995. 

Q: What are the supported platforms?
A: The System Generator v2.1 is supported on PCs running Window NT 4.0 with service pack 6 or greater, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000 and ME.

Q: Do current System Generator users have to purchase a new license (support reinstate) for v2.1?
A: At this point every existing users fall under the 1 year license agreement and can hence update to v2.1 at no extra cost.

Q: What is the support reinstate fee?
A: $1895

Q: Sofware dependencies? 
A: See the Tool Requirements & Recommendations table on site for a complete list.

Note 1: The System Generator VHDL still does not work in the FPGA Express VHDL complier due to a problem (filed as CR #112559) in which Express does not implement VHDL Generics correctly.
Note 2: The System Generator VHDL now works with the XST VHDL compiler.

Q: Can customers get a demo version before they purchase the tool?
A: A DSP kit will be available in January, 2002.

Q: What FPGA families can I target the System Generator to?
A: The System Generator supports Vitex-II® , Virtex E® and Spartan-II® families. There are no plans to support the XC4000 families nor SpartanXL.

Q: What is the approximate cost for the tools from The MathWorks?
A: You must use the following prices for an indication only. Always ask The MathWorks sales person to provide the final quote to the customer.

  • MATLAB (no part #): $1,900 Individual PC, $2,850 Individual UNIX, $3500 Concurrent
  • Simulink (no part #): $2,800 Individual PC, $4,000 Individual UNIX, $5000 Concurrent
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