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MIT network user authentication services V8.7 and above

The hesiod type of database map uses the Hesiod system, a network information system developed as Project Athena. Support of hesiod database maps is available only if you declare HESIOD when compiling sendmail. (See HESIOD for a fuller description of the Hesiod system.)

A hesiod database map is declared like this:

Kname hesiod HesiodNameType 

The HesiodNameType must be one that is known at your site, such as passwd or service. An unknown HesiodNameType will yield this error when sendmail begins to run:

cannot initialize Hesiod map (hesiod error number)

One example of a lookup might look like this:

Kuid2name hesiod uid
R$-      $: $(uid2name $1 $)

Here, we declare the network database map uid2name using the Hesiod type uid, which converts user-id numbers into login names. If the conversion was successful, we use the login name returned; otherwise, we use the original workspace.

Quite a few database-map switches are available with this type. They are all listed in Table 23-14.

Table 23-14. The hesiod database-map type K command switches






Append values for duplicate keys



Append tag on successful match



Don't use this database map if DeliveryMode=defer



Don't fold keys to lowercase



Suppress replacement on match



Append a null byte to all keys



Never add a null byte



The network database map is optional



Don't strip quotes from key



Space replacement character



Suffix to append on temporary failure



Ignore temporary errors

The -d38.20 command-line switch (-d38.20) can be used to observe this type's lookups in more detail.

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