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Internal table to store lookup hostnames V8.1 and above

The host database-map type is a special internal database used by sendmail to help resolve hostnames. It is fully described under the $[ and $] operators in Section 23.4.3.

Only a few database-map switches are available with the host type, and they are listed in Table 23-15.

Table 23-15. The host database-map type K command switches






Append tag on successful match


See this section

The res_search( ) _res.retry interval (V8.12 and above)



Don't use this database map if DeliveryMode=defer



Suppress replacement on match


See this section

The res_search( ) _res.retries limit (V8.12 and above)



Space replacement character



Suffix to append on temporary failure



Ignore temporary errors

The -D database switch should probably always be used with this type on sites that have dial-on-demand connections to the Internet. It prevents host lookups when the DeliveryMode option (DeliveryMode) is set to defer.

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