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B.24 Chapter 24


The AuthMaxBits option limits the maximum encryption strength for STARTTLS and AUTH (V8.12 and later).


The AuthMechanisms option lists acceptable AUTH mechanisms (V8.10 and later).


The AuthOptions option tells sendmail when to issue the AUTH= extension to the MAIL FROM: command (V8.10 and later).


The AutoRebuildAliases option has been eliminated (V8.12 and later).


The BadRcptThrottle option limits how many bad SMTP RCPT TO: commands are allowed before sendmail will slow its replies (V8.12 and later).


The CACertFile option defines the file that contains the certificates for CAs (V8.11 and later).


The CACertPath option specifies the directory that contains the certificate files for CAs (V8.11 and later).


The ClientCertFile option specifies the file that contains the client's certificate (V8.11 and later).


The ClientKeyFile option specifies the file that contains the client's private key (V8.11 and later).


The ClientPortOptions option tunes the client port option settings (V8.10 and later).


The ConnectOnlyTo option specifies a host that should be connected to, no matter what (V8.10 and later).


The ControlSocketName option specifies the name and the location of the controlling socket (V8.10 and later).

See this section

V8.10 introduced the Modify= equate for the DaemonPortOptions option. Also V8.12 added the new A, O, and S Modify= equate values.

See this section

V8.10 introduced the Name= equate for the DaemonPortOptions option.


The DataFileBufferSize option limits the size to which the df file can grow before being flushed to disk (V8.10 and later).


The DeadLetterDrop option specifies the name and location of the systemwide dead.letter file (V8.10 and later).


The DefaultAuthInfo option specifies the source of outgoing AUTH information (V8.10 to V8.11). This option was declared deprecated in V8.12. Its functionality has been replaced by the access database by means of the authinfo feature.


The DelayLA option adds a one-second SMTP sleep on high load (V8.12 and later).


The DeliverByMin option defines the default DELIVERBY interval (V8.12 and later).


The DHParameters option lists the file that contains the parameters for the DSA/DH cipher suite (V8.11 and later).


The DirectSubmissionModifiers option lists the daemon flags for command-line submission (V8.12 and later).


The DontBlameSendmail option was added in V8.9 to prevent selected security checks, and was updated in later versions. V8.10 added three more items:

  • NonRootSafeAddr

  • TrustStickyBit

  • DontWarnForwardFileInUnsafeDirPath

V8.11 added one new item: InsufficientEntropy. And V8.12 added several more items:

  • GroupWritableForwardFile

  • GroupWritableIncludeFile

  • WorldWritableForwardFile

  • WorldWritableIncludeFile

  • GroupReadableKeyFile

  • GroupReadableSASLDBFile

  • GroupWritableSASLDBFile

  • RunProgramInUnsafeDirPath

  • RunWritableProgram


The DontProbeInterfaces option prevents sendmail from probing interfaces to populate $=w (V8.9 and later).


The FallbackMXhost option can now perform MX expansion of the specified hostname (V8.12 and later).


The FastSplit option suppresses MX lookups on initial submission, and limits the number of parallel queue processors following a split (V8.12 and later).


The InputMailFilters option gives order to the X configuration command's MILTER sockets (V8.12 and later).


The LDAPDefaultSpec option lists the default LDAP database-map switches (V8.10 and later).


The MailboxDatabase option selects the type of a mailbox database to use (V8.12 and later).


The MaxAliasRecursion option limits the maximum allowable recursion for aliases (V8.10 and later).


The MaxHeadersLength option limits the maximum allowable header length (V8.10 and later).


The MaxMimeHeaderLength option limits the maximum allowable MIME header length (V8.10 and later).


The MaxQueueChildren option limits the number of concurrent queue processors (V8.12 and later).


The MaxRecipientsPerMessage option limits the maximum number of recipients allowed per envelope (V8.9 and later).


The MaxRunnersPerQueue option limits the maximum number of concurrent queue processors per queue group (V8.12 and later).


The Milter option tunes interactions with the various MILTER programs (V8.12 and later).


The NiceQueueRun option defines the default nice(3) settings to be used by queue processors (V8.12 and later).


The PidFile option defines the name and location to be used for the sendmail pid file (V8.10 and later).

See this section

The nobodyreturn keyword for the PrivacyOptions option suppresses honoring the RET=full SMTP extension (V8.10 and later).

See this section

The restrictexpand keyword for the PrivacyOptions option causes sendmail to drop its special privileges when the -bv switch is specified by a user who is neither root nor a trusted user (V8.12 and later).


The ProcessTitlePrefix option defines the prefix to be used for process listings (V8.10 and later).


The QueueFileMode option specifies the default permissions for queue files (V8.12 and later).

See this section

The ability to sort by filename was added to the QueueSortOrder option (V8.10 and later). The ability to sort by modification time (Modtime) was added to the QueueSortOrder option (V8.12 and above).

See this section

The ability to randomize the list was added to the QueueSortOrder option (V8.12 and later).


The RandFile option defines the source for random numbers (V8.11 and later).


The WorkAroundBrokenAAAA setting was added to the ResolverOptions option (V8.12 and later).


The RrtImpliesDsn option causes the Return-Receipt-To: header to set the NOTIFY=SUCCESS SMTP extension (V8.10 and later).


The ServerCertFile option specifies the name and location of the file containing the server's certificate (V8.11 and later).


The ServerKeyFile option specifies the name and location of the file containing the server certificate's private key (V8.11 and later).


The SharedMemoryKey option enables the use of shared memory (V8.12 and later).


The interactive mode was added to the SuperSafe option to skip unneeded secondary synchronization calls (V8.12 and later).

See this section

The aconnect timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.12 and later).

See this section

The auth timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.12 and later).

See this section

The control timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.10 and later).

See this section

The lhlo timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.12 and later).

See this section

The resolver timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.10 and later).

See this section

The starttls timeout was added to the Timeout option (V8.12 and later).


The TLSSrvOptions option tunes the server's TLS setting (V8.12 and later).


The TrustedUser option specifies an alternative to root for routine administration (V8.10 and later).


The UseMSP option causes sendmail to run as a mail submission program (V8.12 and later).


The XscriptFileBufferSize option sets the xf file's buffered I/O size (V8.10 and later).

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