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23.3 The K Command switches

The switches must follow the type and precede the file_or_map:

Kname type switches file_or_map

If any switches follow file_or_map, they will be silently ignored.[3] All switches begin with a - character and are listed in Table 23-3. Note that some database-map types utilize only a small subset of all switches (e.g., dequote uses only -a, -D, -s, and -S, and sequence doesn't use any).

[3] This is true as of V8.12. Future versions might change the semantics of the K line such that switches can follow.

Table 23-3. K command switches





See this section

Consider successful only if exactly one key is matched (ldap only)



Append values for duplicate keys



Append tag on successful match


See this section

Base from which to begin the search (ldap only)


See this section

Use basic, not extended, regular expression matching (regex only)



Don't use this database map if DeliveryMode=defer


See this section

DN to bind to server as (ldap only)


See this section

The delimiting string (regex only)


See this section

The res_search( ) _res.retry interval (dns and host only)



Preserve case


See this section

Hosts that serve this network database (ldap only)


See this section

Hosts that serve this network database (ph only)



Specify column for key


See this section

The search query (ldap only)



The property that is searched (netinfo only)


See this section

Specify a list of fields to query (ph only)



The logging level at which to log (syslog only)


-l (lowercase L)

Time limit to timeout connection (ldap and ph only)


See this section

The method to use for binding (ldap only)



Suppress replacement on match



Append a null byte to all keys


See this section

Retrieve attribute names only, not values (ldap only)


See this section

NOT, that is, invert the test (regex only)



Never add a null byte



The database map is optional


See this section

The secret password to use for binding (ldap only)


See this section

Port to use when connecting to host (ldap only)



Don't strip quotes from key


See this section

Don't auto-chase referrals (ldap only)



Record type to look up (dns only)


See this section

Allow dereferencing of aliases (ldap only)


See this section

The res_search( ) _res.retries limit (dns and host only)



Space replacement character for database map


See this section

Search scope of "base," "one," or "sub" (ldap only)


See this section

Substring to match and return (regex only)



Suffix to append on temporary failure



Ignore temporary errors


See this section

Specify return attribute list separator (ldap only)



Specify the value's column



The property to return (netinfo only)



Specify a list of fields to return (ph only, deprecated)


See this section

Specify the list of attributes to return (ldap only)


See this section

Limit the number of matches to return (ldap only)



Specify the column delimiter

If a switch other than those listed is specified, that switch is either silently ignored or an error reports, depending on the version of sendmail and the particular type.

In the sections that follow, we document the switches that are common to a number of database-map types. Those that are unique, or unique in meaning, to a particular database-map type are listed with the type.

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