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Java <!-- **REPLACE WITH BANNER-MAP** -->amp; XML, 2nd Ed.

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Index: I

IBM SOAP4J: What about IBM SOAP4J?
IBM XML4J: 1.3.2. A Parser
ignorableWhitespace( ): 3.3.6. Element Data
IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol): 11.1.1. What Is RMI?
indentLevel variable: Launching serialization
InputSource class: 3.2.3. Using an InputSource
A.1.1.9. InputSource
instances, sharing: 11.4.2. Shared Instances
interfaces: 0.6. Acknowledgments
(see also classes)
APIs: 1.2.1. Low-Level APIs
Attr: A.2.1.1. Attr
AttributeList: A.1.1.1. AttributeList [deprecated]
Attributes: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks
A.1.1.2. Attributes
CDATASection: A.2.1.2. CDATASection
CharacterData: A.2.1.3. CharacterData
Comment: A.2.1.4. Comment
ContentHandler: 3.3. Content Handlers
A.1.1.3. ContentHandler
core handlers: 3.3. Content Handlers
DeclHandler: 4.4.2. DeclHandler
A.1.2.1. DeclHandler
Document: Working with nodes
A.2.1.5. Document
DocumentFragment: A.2.1.6. DocumentFragment
DocumentHandler: A.1.1.4. DocumentHandler
DocumentRange: 6.3.3. Range
DocumentType: A.2.1.7. DocumentType
DOMImplementation: A.2.1.9. DOMImplementation
DTDHandler: 4.2.2. Using a DTDHandler
4.5.2. DTDHandler and Validation
A.1.1.5. DTDHandler
Element: A.2.1.10. Element
Entity: A.2.1.11. Entity
EntityReference: A.2.1.12. EntityReference
EntityResolver: 4.2.1. Using an EntityResolver
A.1.1.6. EntityResolver
ErrorHandler: 3.4. Error Handlers
A.1.1.7. ErrorHandler
ErrorListener: Working with the factory
A.3.2.1. ErrorListener
handler interfaces: 0.6. Acknowledgments
3.3. Content Handlers
HTML for XML data: 14.1.2. Entering the Books
JDOMFactory: 8.2.1. Creating a Factory
A.4.3.3. JDOMFactory
JDOMNode: 8.3.1. JDOMNode
LexicalHandler: A.1.2.2. LexicalHandler
NameNodeMap: A.2.1.13. NamedNodeMap
Node: Working with nodes
A.2.1.14. Node
NodeFilter: NodeIterator
NodeIterator: NodeIterator
NodeList: A.2.1.15. NodeList
Notation: A.2.1.16. Notation
org.xml.sax.Parser: 3.2. SAX Readers
org.xml.sax.XMLReader: 3.2. SAX Readers
3.2.1. Instantiating a Reader
Parser: A.1.1.11. Parser
ProcessingInstruction: A.2.1.17. ProcessingInstruction
Result: A.3.2.3. Result
SAXParser: The road to SAX 2.0
Source: A.3.2.4. Source
SourceLocator: A.3.2.5. SourceLocator
Templates: A.3.2.6. Templates
Text: A.2.1.18. Text
TreeWalker: TreeWalker
URIResolver: Working with the factory
A.3.2.9. URIResolver
XMLReader: 3.2.2. Parsing the Document
4.1.1. Setting Properties and Features
A.1.1.17. XMLReader
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP): 11.1.1. What Is RMI?
interoperability: 13.1. Web Services
invocation in SOAP: 12.1.3. Invocation
IOException: 5.4.3. DOM Parsers Throwing SAX Exceptions
isNamespaceAware( ): Working with the SAXParser class
isSameNode( ): 6.4.2. Node Comparisons
isValidating( ): Working with the SAXParser class
items: 14.3.1. Rich Site Summary
ItemSearcher class: NodeIterator

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