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Index: M

Mac-specific character sets: 5.7.2. MacRoman
MacRoman character set: 5.7.2. MacRoman
margin-bottom property (CSS): 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length
margin-left property (CSS): 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length
margin-right property (CSS): 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length
margin-top property (CSS): 12.6. Pixels, Points, Picas, and Other Units of Length
describing a document's structure: 6.5. Document Permanence
input vs. output languages: 6.6. Transformation and Presentation
tags and: 2.2. Elements, Tags, and Character Data
master-name attribute (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages
master pages for XSL-FO, laying out: 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages
Mathematical Operators Unicode block: 26.3.21. Mathematical Operators
MathML (Mathematical Markup Language): 0.. What This Book Covers
entity sets and: 5.10. Character References
need for: 4.1. The Need for Namespaces
syntax for: 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts
maxExclusive facet element: Minimum and maximum values
21.2. Schema Elements
maxInclusive facet element: Minimum and maximum values
21.2. Schema Elements
maxLength facet element: Restricting length
21.2. Schema Elements
maxOccurs attribute (xs:element element): 16.4.1. Occurrence Constraints
media pseudoattribute: The media pseudoattribute
12.3. Associating Stylesheets with XML Documents
media types, MIME: 5.1. Character-Set Metadata
Megginson, David: 1.4. The Evolution of XML
25. SAX Reference
metadata, character-set: 5.1. Character-Set Metadata
metainformation module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML
Microsoft and character sets: 5.7. Platform-Dependent Character Sets
Microsoft DTD repository ( 3.10. Locating Standard DTDs
MIME media types: 5.1. Character-Set Metadata
rddl:resource elements and: 14.2. RDDL Syntax
for stylesheets: 12.3. Associating Stylesheets with XML Documents
minExclusive facet element: Minimum and maximum values
21.2. Schema Elements
minInclusive facet element: Minimum and maximum values
21.2. Schema Elements
minLength facet element: Restricting length
21.2. Schema Elements
minOccurs attribute (xs:element element): 16.4.1. Occurrence Constraints
Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block: 26.3.25. Miscellaneous Symbols
Miscellaneous Technical Unicode block: 26.3.22. Miscellaneous Technical
%Misc.extra entity reference: 7.3.2. Mixing Your Applications into XHTML
mixed content
element type: 3.2.7. Mixed Content
20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
in elements: 2.2.3. Mixed Content
schemas and: 16.7. Mixed Content
mod (XPath arithmetic operator): 9.6.1. Numbers
mode attributes for XSLT elements: 8.8. Modes
Modular XHTML (see XHTML 1.1)
Modularization of XHTML (W3C specification): 7.3.1. Mixing XHTML into Your Applications
modules, XHTML: 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML
monetary symbols, Unicode block for: 26.3.18. Currency Symbols
Mosher, Ed: 1.4. The Evolution of XML
6.1. SGML's Legacy
Mozilla, displaying XML in: 7.2.3. Netscape and Mozilla
MSXML and stylesheet processors: 8.3. Stylesheet Processors
Muellner, Leonard: 6.4. DocBook
multilingual documents: 5.11. xml:lang
Murray-Rust, Peter: 1.4. The Evolution of XML

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