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Tcl : Tcl
Tcl:decoding forms in;programs, CGI:decoding forms:in Tcl;forms:decoding:in Tcl;gd graphics library : Tcl
Tcl;tclsh (Tcl shell);programming languages:Tcl : Tcl (UNIX Only)
TeachText (ttxt);ttxt (Teach Text) : AppleScript
telnet to simulate clients : Client Simulation
test forms;quizzes on the Web;programs, CGI:quiz/test forms;forms:test/quiz : Quiz/Test Form Application
text:as form input[text:form input] : Text and Password Fields
text:files, displaying;programs, CGI:displaying text files : Extra Path Information
textfield method : Form Creation and Parsing
time command : CGI Side Includes
time:timelocal subroutine;timelocal subroutine : Counting Days Until . . .
time:timestamp;"last updated" line[last updated line] : Why doesn't print "Location: http://host/page.html\n" work? Why does it only work the first time and get the redirects wrong later?
time:zones : Creating Dynamic Home Pages
tr (translate) operator : Designing Applications Using Forms in Perl
TYPE attribute (<INPUT>);HTML attributes:TYPE (<INPUT>) : Multipart Forms
TYPE attribute (<INPUT>);HTML attributes:TYPE (<INPUT>);forms:buttons on;<INPUT> tag[INPUT];HTML tags:<INPUT>;VALUE attribute (<INPUT>);HTML attributes:VALUE (<INPUT>);windows with scrollbars (see scrolled lists) : Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

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