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Written by MageLang Institute

This file contains the table of contents for the sections in the course notes as well as lists of the exercises grouped by different criteria.

Entry Points

Course Notes


The following 10 exercises comprise RegistrationForm applet:

  1. CommentBoxTest
  2. ContactInfoFormTest
  3. EMailTextFieldTest
  4. FormElement
  5. JobTitleListTest
  6. LabeledChoiceTest
  7. LabeledTextFieldTest
  8. PhoneTextFieldTest
  9. RadioButtonsTest
  10. RegistrationForm (The main applet)

List of exercises dealing with Component objects, not including those comprising RegistrationForm:

  1. ButtonTest
  2. CheckboxGroupTest
  3. CheckboxTest
  4. ChoiceTest
  5. ColorTest
  6. FontTest
  7. LabelTest
  8. ListTest
  9. TextAreaTest
  10. TextFieldTest

List of exercises dealing with Component layout, not including those comprising RegistrationForm:

  1. BorderLayoutTest
  2. FlowLayoutTest
  3. GridLayoutTest
  4. RatioLayoutTest

Complete alphabetized list of exercises:

  1. BorderLayoutTest
  2. ButtonTest
  3. CheckboxGroupTest
  4. CheckboxTest
  5. ChoiceTest
  6. ColorTest
  7. CommentBoxTest
  8. ContactInfoFormTest
  9. EMailTextFieldTest
  10. FlowLayoutTest
  11. FontTest
  12. FormElement
  13. GridLayoutTest
  14. JobTitleListTest
  15. LabelTest
  16. LabeledChoiceTest
  17. LabeledTextFieldTest
  18. ListTest
  19. PhoneTextFieldTest
  20. RadioButtonsTest
  21. RatioLayoutTest
  22. RegistrationForm
  23. TextAreaTest
  24. TextFieldTest