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eSP : Home Networking : Broadband Access : Analog Modems

Analog Modems
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The analog modem was designed to operate with any dial-up phone, worldwide. These modems support high-speed analog data, voice, and fax operation. The integrated modem is host controlled which reduces the overall chip count and need for a separate microcontroller.

The V.90-enabled analog modem supports data speeds up to 56 Kbps from a digitally connected central site modem. The modem is ideal for remote access applications such as ISP, online service, or corporate site. Data can be sent upstream at speeds up to 33.6 Kbps. As a V.34 data modem, the modem operates at line speeds up to 33.6 Kbps, provides error correction and data compression, maximizes data transfer integrity, and boosts average data throughput to 115.2 Kbps.

Market Research

An analysis by IDC predicts the worldwide analog modem shipments to grow from 76 million units in 2000 to 95.4 million units in 2002 and up to 115 million units in 2004. However, the worldwide installed base of analog modems from the total Internet connectivity methods is shrinking from 79.5% in 2000 to 66.8% in 2002.

Xilinx Solution

Xilinx provides significant value in an analog modem when used to interface various ASSPs together, and provides different interface control signals - such as USB, PCI, PCMCIA, RS-232, Ethernet and so on. Spartan™-II FPGA devices are ideal candidates for this low-cost application. Please view the presentation to see how Xilinx solutions can help you build products in this fast evolving market place.


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