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eSP : Home Networking : Network Technologies : Wireless : HomeRF

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HomeRF was created with the intention of providing low cost, voice and data capabilities. Voice support is provided by DECT using frequency hopping in the 2.4 GHz band. For data, the HomeRF spec uses a relaxed specification of the TCP/IP support of IEEE 802.11. SWAP (Shared Wireless Access Protocol), the technical specification that defines HomeRF technology, has been developed and optimized to meet unique consumer needs at home and SOHOs.

HomeRF Working Group:

The HomeRF Working Group (HRFWG) was formed to provide the foundation for a broad range of interoperable consumer devices by establishing an open industry specification for wireless digital communication between PCs and consumer electronic devices anywhere in and around the home. The HRFWG, which includes the leading companies from the personal computer, consumer electronics, peripherals, communications, software, and semiconductor industries, has developed a specification for wireless communications in the home called the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP).

To date, the high cost and impracticality of adding new wires have inhibited the wide adoption of home networking technologies. Wired technologies also do not allow users to roam about with portable devices. In addition, multiple, incompatible communication standards have limited acceptance of wireless networks in the home. The HRFWG believes that the open SWAP specification will break through these barriers by (1) enabling interoperability between many different consumer electronic devices available from a large number of manufacturers, and (2) provide the flexibility and mobility of a wireless solution. This flexibility is important to the success of creating a compelling and complete home network solution.

Since the formation of the group was announced in March 1998, the total number of member companies now exceeds 90, and continues to expand quickly. The inclusion of nearly all the leading consumer electronics companies in the working group ensures that consumers will benefit from a wide variety of innovative, interoperable devices for use in and around the home.

For a complete list of HomeRF-based and compliant products, visit the HomeRF Working Group.

Xilinx Solutions

The Spartan™-II FPGA architecture has enabled a whole new generation of low-cost high volume solutions. This, combined with a vast portfolio of soft IP (Intellectual Property) cores allows Spartan-II FPGAs to provide solutions at a significantly lower cost than ASSPs and custom ASICs, while offering all of the time-to-market and flexibility benefits associated with programmable devices. The presentation provides specific details on how Xilinx solutions enable HomeRF-based home networking.


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