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The Accept Member Function

Program gif defines the Accept member function for the StackAsArray class. As discussed in Chapter gif, the purpose of the Accept member function of a container, is to accept a visitor, and cause it to visit one-by-one all of the contained objects.

Program: StackAsArray Class Accept Member Function Definition

In the array implementation of the stack, the elements contained in the container occupy positions 0, 1, ..., tex2html_wrap_inline61316 of the array. The body of the Accept function is simply a loop which calls the Visit function for each object in the stack. The running time of the Accept function depends on the running time of the function Visit. Let tex2html_wrap_inline61326 be the running time of the function Visit. In addition to the time for the function call, each iteration of the loop incurs a constant overhead. Consequently, the total running time for Accept is tex2html_wrap_inline61328, where n is the number of objects in the container. And if tex2html_wrap_inline61332, the total running time is to O(n).

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.