Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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Inserting an Item at an Arbitrary Position

Once having determined the position of an item in an ordered list, we can make use of that position to insert items into the middle of the list. Two functions are specifically provided for this purpose--InsertAfter and InsertBefore. Both of these take the same set of arguments: A const reference to a Position which specifies the point at which the insertion is to be made, and a reference to the object to be inserted.

Program: ListAsLinkedList Class InsertAfter Member Function Definition

Program gif gives the implementation for the InsertAfter member function of the ListAsLinkedList class. After casting the arguments to the appropriate types and performing some validity checks, this function simply calls the InsertAfter function provided by the LinkedList<T> class. Assuming no exceptions are thrown, the running time for this function is O(1).

The implementation of InsertBefore is not shown--its similarity with InsertAfter should be obvious. Since it must call the InsertBefore routine provided by the LinkedList<T> class, we expect the worst case running time to be O(n), where tex2html_wrap_inline61308.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.