Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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Alternate Representations for Trees

Figure gif shows an alternate representation of the tree tex2html_wrap_inline63428 defined in Equation gif. In this case, the tree is represented as a set of nested regions in the plane. In fact, what we have is a Venn diagram  which corresponds to the view that a tree is a set of sets.

Figure: An Alternate Graphical Representation for Trees

This hierarchical, set-within-a-set view of trees is also evoked by considering the nested structure of computer programs. E.g., consider the following fragment of C++ code:

D: {
    E: {
        F: statement();
    G: {
        H: {
            I: statement();
        J: {
            K: statement();
            L: statement();
        M: statement();
The nesting structure of this program and the tree given in Equation gif are isomorphic .gif Therefore, it is not surprising that trees have an important rôle in the analysis and translation of computer programs.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.