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General Trees


This section outlines an implementation of general trees in the sense of Definition gif. The salient features of the definition are first, that the nodes of a general tree have arbitrary degrees; and second, that there is no such thing as an empty tree.

The recursive nature of Definition gif has important implications when considering the implementation of such trees as containers. In effect, since a tree contains zero or more subtrees, when implemented as a container, we get a container which contains other containers! Fortunately, we have chosen by design to implement containers using indirect containment . Therefore, it is possible for a tree to contain other trees simply by keeping around pointers to those trees.

Figure gif shows the approach we have chosen for implementing general trees. This figure shows how the general tree tex2html_wrap_inline63428 in Figure gif can be stored in memory. The basic idea is that each node has associated with it a linked list of pointers to the subtrees of that node. A linked list is used because there is no a priori restriction on its length. This allows each node to have an arbitrary degree. Furthermore, since there are no empty trees, we need not worry about representing them. An important consequence of this is that the implementation never makes use of a zero-valued tree node pointer!

Figure: Representing General Trees using Linked Lists

Program gif declares the GeneralTree class which is used to represent general trees as specified by Definition gif. The class GeneralTree is derived from the base class Tree which is discussed in the preceding section.

Program: GeneralTree Class Definition

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.