Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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Analyzing Recursive Functions

In this section we analyze the performance of a recursive algorithm  which computes the factorial  of a number. Recall that the factorial of a non-negative integer n, written n!, is defined as


However, we can also define factorial recursively as follows


It is this latter definition which leads to the algorithm given in Program gif to compute the factorial of n. Table gif gives the running times of each of the executable statements in Program gif.

Program: Recursive program to compute n!





n=0 n>0
3 tex2html_wrap_inline58289 tex2html_wrap_inline58289
4 tex2html_wrap_inline58225 --
6 -- tex2html_wrap_inline58295
Table: Computing the running time of Program gif

Notice that we had to analyze the running time of the two possible outcomes of the conditional test on line 3 separately. Clearly, the running time of the program depends on the result of this test.

Furthermore, the function Factorial calls itself recursively on line 6. Therefore, in order to write down the running time of line 6, we need to know the running time, tex2html_wrap_inline58299, of Factorial. But this is precisely what we are trying to determine in the first place! We escape from this catch-22 by assuming that we already know what is the function tex2html_wrap_inline58299, and that we can make use of that function to determine the running time of line 6.

By summing the columns in Table gif we get that the running time of Program gif is


where tex2html_wrap_inline58303 and tex2html_wrap_inline58305. This kind of equation is called a recurrence relation  because the function is defined in terms of itself recursively.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.