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Acquiring an Area

The Acquire member function of the BuddyPool class is defined in Program gif. This function takes an integer-valued argument which specifies the size of storage area required. The function returns a pointer to the region of memory that is allocated.

Program: BuddyPool Class Acquire Member Function Definition

The size of the area actually allocated by Acquire is tex2html_wrap_inline68271 bytes where k' is given by


where bytes is the number of bytes of storage requested by the user. I.e., the area must be sufficiently large to hold both the user's data plus the Header used by the storage pool. Of course if k'>m, the request can never be satisfied.

The next step is to find the smallest free area the size of which is at least tex2html_wrap_inline68271 bytes. Specifically, we find the smallest value of i, tex2html_wrap_inline68281, such that the free list for areas of size tex2html_wrap_inline68283 is not empty (lines 5-7). If all free lists for areas of size tex2html_wrap_inline68271 through tex2html_wrap_inline68241 are empty, the request cannot be satisfied and a badalloc exception is thrown (lines 8-9).

Having determined the value of i, we remove the first area from the free list of areas of size tex2html_wrap_inline68283 (lines 11-12). The private member function Unlink is called to remove the area from the doubly-linked free list. To remove a given element from a doubly-linked free list takes constant time.

If i=k', the area has the correct size and we are done. Otherwise, i>k' and the area is too large. If the area is too large, we can split it into two areas (buddies) of size tex2html_wrap_inline68297. One of the buddies is retained while the other is inserted into the appropriate free list. After the split if i-1=k', the we are done. Otherwise, the area still to large and it can be split again (lines 13-20).

Eventually, the size of the area is exactly tex2html_wrap_inline68271 bytes. The area is marked reserved and a pointer to the userPart is returned (lines 21-22).

The running time of the Acquire function is O(i-k'+1). E.g., when we request of block of size tex2html_wrap_inline68271 and the free list for blocks of size tex2html_wrap_inline68271 is not empty, then i=k' and the running time is O(1). On the other hand, suppose that we request an area of size tex2html_wrap_inline68313 but all the free lists are empty except for one entry in the free list of areas of size tex2html_wrap_inline68241. In this case i=m and k'=0. Therefore, the worst-case running time is tex2html_wrap_inline68321, where N is the number of blocks in the storage pool.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.