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Example-Geometric Series Summation Again


In this example we revisit the problem of computing a geometric series summation . We have already seen an algorithm to compute this summation in Section gif (Program gif). This algorithm was shown to take tex2html_wrap_inline58655 cycles.

The problem of computing the geometric series summation is identical to that of computing the value of a polynomial in which all of the coefficients are one. This suggests that we could make use of Horner's rule  as discussed in Section gif. An algorithm to compute a geometric series summation using Horner's rule is given in Program gif.

Program: Program to compute tex2html_wrap_inline58631 using Horner's rule

The executable statements in Program gif comprise lines 3-6. Table gif gives the running times, as given by the simplified model, for each of these statements.



statement time
3 2
4a 2
4b 3(n+2)
4c 4(n+1)
5 6(n+1)
6 2
TOTAL 13n+22
Table: Computing the running time of Program gif

In Programs gif and gif we have seen two different algorithms to compute the same geometric series summation. We determined the running time of the former to be tex2html_wrap_inline58655 cycles and of the latter to be 13n+22 cycles. In particular, note that for all non-negative values of n, tex2html_wrap_inline58719. Hence, according to our simplified model of the computer, Program gif, which uses Horner's rule, always runs faster than Program gif!

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.