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The Merge function of the TwoWayMergeSorter<T> class is defined in Program gif. Altogether, this function takes four parameters: The first is a reference to the array to be sorted. The remaining three, left, middle, and right, are unsigned integers. It is assumed that


Furthermore, it is assumed that the two subsequences of the array,




are both sorted. The Merge routine merges the two sorted subsequences using the temporary array specified by tempArray. It then copies the merged (and sorted) sequence into the array at


Program: TwoWayMergeSorter<T> Class Merge Member Function Definition

In order to determine the running time of the Merge routine it is necessary to recognize that the total number of iterations of the three loops (lines 8-14, lines 15-16, and lines 17-18) is tex2html_wrap_inline70461. The total number of iterations of the fourth loop (lines 19-20) is the same. Since all the loop bodies do a constant amount of work, the total running time for the Merge routine is O(n), where tex2html_wrap_inline70465 is the total number of elements in the two subsequences that are merged.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.