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Using Adjacency Lists

Program gif declares the GraphAsLists concrete class. The GraphAsLists class is derived from the abstract base class Graph. The GraphAsLists class represents the edges of a graph using adjacency lists.

Program: GraphAsLists Class Definition

Two member variables are declared--vertices and adjacencyLists. The former is an array of pointers to Vertex instances. This array is used to represent the elements of the vertex set tex2html_wrap_inline71357.

The second member variable is an array of linked lists of pointers to edges. The tex2html_wrap_inline58387 linked list, adjacencyLists[i], represents the set tex2html_wrap_inline71873 which is the set of edges emanating from vertex tex2html_wrap_inline71521. The implementation uses the LinkedList<T> class given in Section gif.

The GraphAsLists constructor takes a single argument of type unsigned int that specifies the maximum number of vertices that the graph may contain. This quantity specifies the lengths of the array of vertices and the array of adjacency lists. The implementation of the GraphAsLists class is left as programming project for the reader (Project gif).

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.