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Program gif gives the code for the two DepthFirstTraversal routines of the Graph class. One of them accepts two arguments, the other, three. As indicated in Program gif, the two-argument routine is declared public whereas the three-argument one is protected.

The user of the Graph class only sees the two-argument DepthFirstTraversal routine. This routine takes a reference to a Visitor instance and a reference to a Vertex instance. The idea is that the Visit function of the visitor is called once for each vertex in the graph and the vertices are visited in depth-first traversal order starting from the specified vertex.

Program: Graph Class DepthFirstTraversal Member Function Definition

In order to ensure that each vertex is visited at most once, an array of length tex2html_wrap_inline71781 of Boolean values called visited is used (line 4). I.e., tex2html_wrap_inline71975 only if vertex i has been visited. All the array elements are initially false (lines 5-6). After initializing the array, the two-argument routine calls the three-argument one, passing it a reference to the array as the third argument.

The three-argument routine returns immediately if the visitor is done. Otherwise, it visits the specified node, and then it follows all the edges emanating from that node and recursively visits the adjacent vertices if those vertices have not already been visited.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.