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Dijkstra's Algorithm


Dijkstra's algorithm  is a greedy algorithm for solving the single-source, shortest-path problem on an edge-weighted graph in which all the weights are non-negative. It finds the shortest paths from some initial vertex, say tex2html_wrap_inline72211, to all the other vertices one-by-one. The essential feature of Dijkstra's algorithm is the order in which the paths are determined: The paths are discovered in the order of their weighted lengths, starting with the shortest, proceeding to the longest.

For each vertex v, Dijkstra's algorithm keeps track of three pieces of information, tex2html_wrap_inline72349, tex2html_wrap_inline72351, and tex2html_wrap_inline72353:

The Boolean-valued flag tex2html_wrap_inline72349 indicates that the shortest path to vertex v is known. Initially, tex2html_wrap_inline72361 for all tex2html_wrap_inline72363.
The quantity tex2html_wrap_inline72351 is the length of the shortest known path from tex2html_wrap_inline72211 to v. When the algorithm begins, no shortest paths are known. The distance tex2html_wrap_inline72351 is a tentative distance. During the course of the algorithm candidate paths are examined and the tentative distances are modified.

Initially, tex2html_wrap_inline72375 for all tex2html_wrap_inline72363 such that tex2html_wrap_inline72379, while tex2html_wrap_inline72381.

The predecessor of vertex v on the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline72211 to v. I.e., the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline72211 to v has the form tex2html_wrap_inline72395.

Initially, tex2html_wrap_inline72353 is unknown for all tex2html_wrap_inline72363.

Dijkstra's algorithm proceeds in phases. The following steps are performed in each pass:

  1. From the set of vertices for with tex2html_wrap_inline72361, select the vertex v having the smallest tentative distance tex2html_wrap_inline72351.
  2. Set tex2html_wrap_inline72407.
  3. For each vertex w adjacent to v for which tex2html_wrap_inline72413, test whether the tentative distance tex2html_wrap_inline72415 is greater than tex2html_wrap_inline72417. If it is, set tex2html_wrap_inline72419 and set tex2html_wrap_inline72421.
In each pass exactly one vertex has its tex2html_wrap_inline72349 set to true. The algorithm terminates after tex2html_wrap_inline71781 passes are completed at which time all the shortest paths are known.

Table gif illustrates the operation of Dijkstra's algorithm as it finds the shortest paths starting from vertex b in graph tex2html_wrap_inline72297 shown in Figure gif.




initially 1 2 3 4 5 6
a tex2html_wrap_inline69187 3 b tex2html_wrap_inline72437 3 b tex2html_wrap_inline72437 3 b tex2html_wrap_inline72437 3 b tex2html_wrap_inline72437 3 b tex2html_wrap_inline72437 3 b
b 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 -- tex2html_wrap_inline72437 0 --
c tex2html_wrap_inline69187 5 b 4 a tex2html_wrap_inline72437 4 a tex2html_wrap_inline72437 4 a tex2html_wrap_inline72437 4 a tex2html_wrap_inline72437 4 a
d tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 6 c tex2html_wrap_inline72437 6 c tex2html_wrap_inline72437 6 c tex2html_wrap_inline72437 6 c
e tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 8 c 8 c tex2html_wrap_inline72437 8 c tex2html_wrap_inline72437 8 c
f tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 tex2html_wrap_inline69187 11 d 9 e tex2html_wrap_inline724379e
Table: Operation of Dijkstra's Algorithm

Initially all the tentative distances are tex2html_wrap_inline69187, except for vertex b which has tentative distance zero. Therefore, vertex b is selected in the first pass. The mark tex2html_wrap_inline72437 beside an entry in Table gif indicates that the shortest path is known ( tex2html_wrap_inline72565).

Next we follow the edges emanating from vertex b, tex2html_wrap_inline72569 and tex2html_wrap_inline72571, and update the distances accordingly. The new tentative distances for a becomes 3 and the new tentative distance for c is 5. In both cases, the next-to-last vertex on the shortest path is vertex b.

In the second pass, vertex a is selected and its entry is marked with tex2html_wrap_inline72437 indicating the shortest path is known. There is one edge emanating from a, tex2html_wrap_inline72589. The distance to c via a is 4. Since this is less than the tentative distance to c, vertex c is given the new tentative distance 4 and its predecessor on the shortest-path is set to a. The algorithm continues in this fashion for a total of tex2html_wrap_inline71357 passes until all the shortest paths have been found.

The shortest-path information contained in the right-most column of Table gif can be represented in the form of a vertex-weighted graph as shown in Figure gif.

Figure: The Shortest-Path Graph for tex2html_wrap_inline72297

This graph contains the same set of vertices as the problem graph tex2html_wrap_inline72297. Each vertex v is labeled with the length tex2html_wrap_inline72351 of the shortest path from b to v. Each vertex (except b) has a single emanating edge that connects the vertex to the next-to-last vertex on the shortest-path. By following the edges in this graph from any vertex v to vertex b, we can construct the shortest path from b to v in reverse.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.