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About Polynomials Again


In this section we reexamine the asymptotic behavior of polynomials in n. In Section gif we showed that tex2html_wrap_inline59519. That is, f(n) grows asymptotically no more quickly than tex2html_wrap_inline60021. This time we are interested in the asymptotic lower bound rather than the asymptotic upper bound. We will see that as n gets large, the term involving tex2html_wrap_inline60021 also dominates the lower bound in the sense that f(n) grows asymptotically as quickly as tex2html_wrap_inline60021. I.e., that tex2html_wrap_inline60031.

Theorem  Consider a polynomial  in n of the form


where tex2html_wrap_inline59517. Then tex2html_wrap_inline60031.

extbfProof We begin by taking the term tex2html_wrap_inline60039 out of the summation:


Since, n is a non-negative integer and tex2html_wrap_inline59517, the term tex2html_wrap_inline60039 is positive. For each of the remaining terms in the summation, tex2html_wrap_inline60047. Hence


Note that for integers tex2html_wrap_inline59533, tex2html_wrap_inline60051 for tex2html_wrap_inline60053. Thus


Consider the term in parentheses on the right. What we need to do is to find a positive constant c and an integer tex2html_wrap_inline59043 so that for all integers tex2html_wrap_inline59075 this term is greater than or equal to c:


We choose the value tex2html_wrap_inline59043 for which the term is greater than zero:


The value tex2html_wrap_inline60065 will suffice! Thus


From Equation gif we see that we have found the constants tex2html_wrap_inline59043 and c, such that for all tex2html_wrap_inline59075, tex2html_wrap_inline60073. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline60031.

This property of the asymptotic behavior of polynomials is used extensively. In fact, whenever we have a function, which is a polynomial in n, tex2html_wrap_inline59551 we will immediately ``drop'' the less significant terms (i.e., terms involving powers of n which are less than m), as well as the leading coefficient, tex2html_wrap_inline59557, to write tex2html_wrap_inline60031.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.