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The ``Tail'' Methods

Program gif defines the getTail, enqueueTail, and dequeueTail methods of the DequeAsArray class.

Program: DequeAsLinkedList class ``Tail'' methods.

The getTail method returns the object at the tail of the deque. The tail of the deque is in the last element of the linked list. In Chapter gif we saw that the running time of LinkedList.getLast is a constant, Therefore, the normal running time for the getTail method is O(1).

The enqueueTail method simply calls the enqueue method inherited from the QueueAsLinkedList class. Its running time was shown to be O(1).

The dequeueTail method removes an object from the tail of the deque and returns that object. First, it verifies that the deque is not empty and throws an exception when it is. If the deque is not empty, dequeueTail saves the last item in the linked list in the local variable result. Then that item is extracted from the linked list. When using the LinkedList class from Chapter gif, the time required to extract the last item from a list is O(n), where tex2html_wrap_inline60196 is the number of items in the list. As a result, the running time of dequeueTail is O(n).

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.