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Time Comparison

The following four operations are used extensively in the implementations of many different graph algorithms:

find edge (v,w)
Given vertices v and w, this operation locates the corresponding Edge instance. When using an adjacency matrix, we can find an edge in constant time.

When adjacency lists are used, the worst-case running time is tex2html_wrap_inline70553, since tex2html_wrap_inline70555 is the length of the adjacency list associated with vertex v.

This is the operation performed by the getEdge method of the Graph interface.

enumerate all edges
In order to locate all the edges in when using adjacency matrices, it is necessary to examine all tex2html_wrap_inline70283 matrix entries. Therefore, the worst-case running time needed to enumerate all the edges is tex2html_wrap_inline70371.

On the other hand, to enumerate all the edges when using adjacency lists requires the traversal of tex2html_wrap_inline70423 lists. In all there are tex2html_wrap_inline70435 edges. Therefore the worst case running time is tex2html_wrap_inline70567.

This operation is performed using the enumeration returned by the getEdges method of the Graph interface.

enumerate edges emanating from v
To enumerate all the edges that emanate from vertex v requires a complete scan of the tex2html_wrap_inline70573 row of an adjacency matrix. Therefore, the worst-case running time when using adjacency matrices is tex2html_wrap_inline70447.

Enumerating the edges emanating from vertex v is a trivial operation when using adjacency lists. All we need do is traverse the tex2html_wrap_inline70573 list. This takes tex2html_wrap_inline70553 time in the worst case.

This operation is performed using the enumeration returned by the getEmanatingEdges method of the Vertex interface.

enumerate edges incident on w
To enumerate all the edges are incident on vertex w requires a complete scan of the tex2html_wrap_inline70587 column of an adjacency matrix. Therefore, the worst-case running time when using adjacency matrices is tex2html_wrap_inline70447.

Enumerating the edges incident on vertex w is a non-trivial operation when using adjacency lists. It is necessary to search every adjacency list in order to find all the edges incident on a given vertex. Therefore, the worst-case running time is tex2html_wrap_inline70567.

This operation is performed using the enumeration returned by the getIncidentEdges method of the Vertex interface.

Table gif summarizes these running times.



representation scheme


adjacency matrix adjacency list
find edge (v,w) O(1) tex2html_wrap_inline70553
enumerate all edges tex2html_wrap_inline70371 tex2html_wrap_inline70567
enumerate edges emanating from v tex2html_wrap_inline70447 tex2html_wrap_inline70553
enumerate edges incident on w tex2html_wrap_inline70447 tex2html_wrap_inline70567
Table: Comparison of graph representations.

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.