The SmartGen software generates a large variety of commonly used functions. You can generate structural netlists in EDIF, VHDL, and Verilog. Furthermore, you can generate VHDL and Verilog behavioral models for most parameterized functions (the behavioral models may be used in a simulation environment). SmartGen includes workspace and core-management features.
SmartGen is divided into four sections: the Core Catalog, the Intellectual Property Catalog (IP Catalog), the Variety View window, the Configured Core View window, and the Log Window (as shown in the figure below).
SmartGen Main Window
Use this interface to browse your cores, review your configured cores, and select cores to create or modify.
The Variety View window displays a list of core varieties available for the core you selected in the Categories tab. For example, if you select the Arithmetic core type, and then select the Adder core, the Variety View window displays a list that includes Sklansky, Fast Brent-Kung, Ripple, etc.
Click a heading in the Variety View window to sort your list of cores. Cores are listed in Function order by default (Arithmetic cores, Clock Conditioning cores, Comparators, etc.). If you click a column heading they are sorted alphabetically by that column value (except for Version - then they are sorted numerically).
The IP Catalog displays a list of IP cores available for your device. You can access the complete core catalog library from within SmartGen. Cores are separated by type; select a type to display and double-click a core to display specific core information, or to download the core's datasheet. Click the headings in the Variety view to sort your cores alphabetically according to variety, function, vendor, etc.
The Configured Core View window displays a list of configured cores in your workspace. The configured cores appear each time you re-open your workspace; by default cores are listed in the order you generated them. Click a column heading to alphabetically by that column value (except for Version - then they are sorted numerically).
You can delete cores from your Configured Core View (and leave them on the disk), or you may delete them from your disk entirely. Select the core(s) you want to delete and press the Delete key, or right-click and choose Remove from Workspace or Remove from Disk and Workspace.
The Log Window displays information as you configure your cores in your workspace.