Importing auxiliary files

Auxiliary files are not audited and are treated more as one-time data-entry or data-change events, similar to entering data using one of the interactive editors (e.g. PinEditor or Timer).

If you import the SDC file as an auxiliary, you do not have to re-compile your design.  However, auditing is disabled when you import auxiliary files, and Designer cannot detect the changes to your SDC file(s) if you import them as auxiliary files.  

 Auxiliary Files

File Type Extension




ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, MX, 1200XL, 3200DX



ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, MX, 1200XL, 3200DX, SX, SX-A, eX



Fusion, ProASIC3/E, SX-A, eX, Axcelerator,

Physical Design Constraint*


Fusion, ProASIC3/E and Axcelerator

Value Change Dump


Fusion, ProASIC3/E, Axcelerator, ProASIC,

Switching Activity Intermediate File/Format


Fusion, ProASIC3/E, Axcelerator, ProASIC,

Design Constraint File


ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, MX, 1200XL, 3200DX, SX, SX-A, eX

*Not all PDC commands are supported when a PDC file is imported as an auxiliary file; some must be imported as source files. When importing a PDC file as an auxiliary file, the new or modified PDC constraints are merged with the existing constraints. The software resolves any conflicts between new and existing physical constraints and displays the appropriate message. Most PDC commands can be imported as auxiliary files. PDC commands that are not supported when the PDC file is imported as an auxiliary file are noted in their respective help topics.

To import an auxiliary file:

  1. From the File menu, choose Import Auxiliary Files. The Import Auxiliary Files dialog appears,

  2. Click the Add button. The Add Auxiliary Files dialog box appears.

  3. Select your file and click Import. The file is added to the Import Auxiliary Files dialog box. Continue to add more auxiliary files to the list. Some formats (like DCF and SDC) are not allowed to be imported in multiple auxiliary files.

  1. After you are done adding all your Auxiliary files, click OK. Your auxiliary files are imported. Any errors appear in Designer’s Log Window.


See Also

Importing source files



Keep existing timing constraints

Keep existing physical constraints