Importing PDC files (ProASIC3E, ProASIC3, and Axcelerator families only)

You can import a PDC file as either a source, or as an auxiliary file.

Importing PDC file as a Source file

When importing a PDC file as a source file, the netlist must also be imported along with the PDC commands.  Furthermore, when importing the PDC file as a source file, you have the option of keeping the existing physical constraints. The Keep Existing Physical Constraints option in the Import Source Files dialog box enables you to merge or replace existing constraints when you re-import new or modified PDC file.

Select the Keep Existing Physical Constraints option to preserve all existing physical constraints that you have entered either using one of the MVN tools (ChipPlanner, PinEditor, or the I/O Attribute Editor) or a previous PDC file. The software will resolve any conflicts between new and existing physical constraints and display the appropriate message. The Keep Existing Constraints option is Off by default. When this option is Off, all the physical constraints in the newly imported PDC files are used. All pre-existing constraints are lost. When this option is On, the physical constraints from the newly imported PDC files are merged with the existing constraints.

Importing PDC file as an Auxiliary file

When importing a PDC file as an auxiliary file, the new or modified PDC constraints are merged with the existing constraints. The software resolves any conflicts between new and existing physical constraints and displays the appropriate message. The following PDC commands are not supported when the PDC file is imported as an auxiliary file:

Note:  See the help topic for each command in your PDC file to make sure it is supported in an auxiliary file.


You can specify the following types of constraints in a Physical Design Constraint (PDC) file:


Note: File names or paths with spaces may not import into Designer. Rename the file or path, removing the spaces, and then re-import the file.


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