To access this dialog, from the Region menu, choose Assign/Unassign Logic.
Use the Assign Instances to Regions dialog box to assign or unassign:
Instances to regions
Instances associated with a net to a region
Region name
Select the region to which to assign instances. Only logic that can be assigned to the region appears in the Unassigned instances list box.
Unassigned instances
Select one or more instances to assign, click Assign, and then click OK. To assign all unassigned instances shown in the list box (ignores any instances currently selected), click Assign All, and then click OK.
Note: The total number of instances that you can assign as well as the number of currently selected unassigned instances appears under the list box.
Filter unassigned instances
To display a subset of the unassigned instances, you can create and apply filters.
To filter the list box by a pattern, select Matching pattern, enter the string to match, and then click Filter. For example, enter *U18* to display only unassigned instances containing the characters U18.
To filter by a net name, select Connected to nets matching pattern, enter the name of the net to match, and then click Filter. The Unassigned instances list will display only macros assigned to the net name you specified. For example, enter add_count_clk to display only macros assigned to the net named add_count_clk.
Assigned instances
Select one or more instances to unassign, click Unassign, and then click OK. To unassign all assigned instances shown in the list box (ignores any instances currently selected), click Unassign All, and then click OK.
Note: The total number of instances that you can unassign as well as the number of currently selected assigned instances appears under the list box.
Filter assigned instances
To display a subset of the assigned instances, you can also create and apply filters. Type a pattern or net name you want to match, and then click OK. Only instances that match your criteria appear in the Assigned instances list box.
Show Usage
Click to display region usage information, which includes resource types, resources assigned, and resources that can be assigned.