ChipPlanner requires a compiled design. If you start ChipPlanner before compiling your design, Designer guides you through the compile process before opening ChipPlanner.
To start ChipPlanner from Designer, either click the ChipPlanner icon in the Designer Design Flow window, or from the Tools menu, choose ChipPlanner.
To start ChipPlanner from within MVN, either click the ChipPlanner button in the MVN toolbar, or from the Tools menu, choose ChipPlanner.
ChipPlanner opens in the Tools window of the MultiView Navigator interface and displays pins and I/O macro assignments. For Fusion, ProASIC3E, ProASIC3, Axcelerator, eX, and SX-A families, it also displays I/O banks.
ChipPlanner in MultiView Navigator
When you select an assigned macro, the macro location appears selected in the World window, and the I/O macro name is selected in the Logical and Physical hierarchy tabs.