Editing regions

After creating regions, with the exception of LocalClock regions, you can rename, delete, move, and re-size them. LocalClock regions can only be renamed or deleted.

Regions must have unique names. Two regions cannot have the same name.

To change the name of a region:

  1. In the Hierarchy window, click the Regions tab.

  2. Select the region with the name you want to change.

  3. From the Region menu, choose Properties.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, type the new region name over the existing one.


Tip: You can also right-click a region, choose Properties, and type a new region name in the Properties dialog box.

To delete a region:

To move a region:

Note: You cannot move the region if a macro assigned to the region is locked.

To re-size a region:

  1. Select the region.

  2. Grab and drag the sides and corners to re-size the region. You cannot resize a region smaller than the logic it already contains.

See Also

Creating regions

Using Empty regions

Using Logic regions

Using LocalClock and QuadrantClock regions