Log window

The Log window displays information about your tool. This area also displays the results of any search that you perform. Click the tabs at the bottom of the window to view additional information. You can choose:

Colors and Symbols

Messages are color-coded and represented by symbols. The default colors are:











You can change the colors in the Designer Preferences dialog box. However, you will not see your changes until you restart MultiView Navigator.

Output Tab

The Output tab displays all errors, warnings, and informational messages. It contains a complete history of your design session. Error and warning messages that are dark blue and underlined are linked to online help to provide details or helpful workarounds. Clicking an underlined message displays online help.

Results Tab

The Results tab displays the results of a command or other action. Clicking a message in the message bar displays more information in this tab. The view within this tab is reset when you execute a new command or open a new design. To see a complete history of your design session, click the Output tab.

Find Tab

The Find tab displays the results of a search performed with the Find command. You can create several Find tabs, one for each search (for example, Find1, Find2, or Find3). You can also drag and drop instances and ports from a Find output pane to the ChipPlanner window.

Tip: The right-click menu available from the Hierarchy window is also available from the Find tab.