Performing functional simulation

To perform functional simulation:

  1. Create your testbench.

  2. Right-click the top level module in the Design Hierarchy window and choose Organize Stimulus File from the right-click menu.


In the Organize Stimulus dialog box, all the stimulus files in the current Libero project appear in the left Stimulus Files in the Project list box. Files already associated with the block appear in the Associated Files list box.


In most cases you will only have one testbench associated with your block. However, if you want simultaneous association of multiple testbench files for one simulation session, as in the case of PCI cores, add multiple files to the Associated Files dialog box.


To add a testbench: Select the testbench you want to associate with the block in the Stimulus Files in the Project list box and click Add to add it to the Associated Files list.


To remove a testbench: To remove or change the file(s) in the Associated Files list box, select the file(s) and click Remove.


To order testbenches: Use the up and down arrows to define the order you want the testbenches compiled.


  1. When you are satisfied with the Associated File(s) list, click OK. A check mark appears next to WaveFormer Lite in the Design Flow window to let you know that a testbench has been associated with the block.

  2. Start ModelSim AE by doing one of the following:

ModelSim starts and compiles the appropriate source files. When the compilation completes, the simulator runs for 1 ms and the Wave window opens to display the simulation results.

  1. Scroll in the Wave window to verify that the logic of your design functions as intended. Use the zoom buttons to zoom in and out as necessary.

  2. From the File menu, select Quit.