SeaI/O for Windows/Linux
Part# 6114

Click on the version number to go directly to our FTP site for software download. The most recent version is listed from top to bottom. By downloading the software below, you agree to be bound by our License Agreement.

Version Date Comments
2.03.35 01/07/02 New Release. New API is introduced in this version. All old API calls are supported with unchanged behavior. Updated ActiveX control, Multiple immediate calls of SetAdapterState() for 820x fixed, booting multiple devices fixed.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.03.30 10/04/01 Includes release of 8203 and 8205 USB Digital I/O products. Fixed problem with PCI PIO cards not saving state.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.03.27 9/11/01 Includes repair of several broken functions, fixed SeaIO_NotifyInputChange vulnerability, SeaIO_GetData() API call fixed, PCI card 8009 bug (more than six outputs didn't work) now fixed, ActiveX control added to support various 3rd party software.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.03.16 7/06/01 Updated NT Control Panel so that adding a port forces the user to choose the card. Added support for 8011 (similar to 8002, higher current capacity)
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.03.14 5/14/01 VBTest support for 96 I/O added. Fixed lockup vulnerability in control panel for interrupt triggering, removing option (2.3.13).
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.03.09 3/8/01 Includes support for 8005, 8006, 8007, 8008, and 9012.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.02.02 11/10/00 Includes 8002 bug fix.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.02.01 9/19/00 Includes Linux DIO driver.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.01.21 6/27/00 2.1.20 had a problem in Samples\SeaIOTst. Executable was fine, project wouldn't compile as compile.l
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
2.01.20 6/19/00 Win 98/2000 (WDM) and NT (Kernel) drivers supporting all PCI and ISA Digital I/O cards including 8003 and 8004.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
1.08 10/28/99 Win 95/98 (VXD) and NT/2000 (Kernel) drivers that support all PCI cards up to 8002. (No support for 8003 or 8004). Configuration through Device Manager.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.
1.06 12/7/99 Win 95/98 (VXD) and NT/2000 (Kernel) that support all ISA cards. Configuration through Control Panel.
See readme.txt for specific details by clicking on version number at left.

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