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Xilinx offers complete electronic design tools which enable the implementation of designs in Xilinx Programmable Logic devices. These development solutions combine powerful technology with a flexible, easy to use graphical interface to help you achieve the best possible designs within your project schedule, regardless of your experience level.

Xilinx offers two lines of design and implementation software: the Alliance Series and Foundation Series. These are Internet-enabled to allow designers instant and direct access from the tools to the technical support area of the Xilinx web site.

By focussing our resources on the challenges of productivity, Xilinx enables you to spend more time on the creative aspects of your design. This helps you get to market faster, and deliver a more robust product to your customers. Xilinx design tools give you the speed you need, hence making Xilinx development systems the fastest in the industry.

Xilinx design tools combine powerful technology with a flexible, easy to use graphical interface to help you achieve the best possible designs within your project schedule, regardless of your experience level.

For more information on our software design solutions please visit the following website.



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