The Quarterly Journal for Xilinx Programmable Logic Users

Xcell 39: First Quarter 2001
Xcell 38: Fourth Quarter 2000
Xcell 37: Third Quarter 2000
Xcell 36: Second Quarter 2000
Xcell 35: First Quarter 2000
Xcell 34: Fourth Quarter 1999
Xcell 33: Third Quarter 1999
Xcell 32 : Second Quarter 1999
Xcell 31 : First Quarter, 1999
Xcell 30 : Fourth Quarter, 1998
Xcell 29 : Third Quarter, 1998
Xcell 28 : Second Quarter, 1998
Xcell 27 : First Quarter, 1998
Xcell 26 : Third Quarter, 1997
Xcell 25 : Second Quarter, 1997
Xcell 24 : First Quarter, 1997
Xcell 23 : Fourth Quarter, 1996
Xcell 22 : Third Quarter, 1996
Xcell 21 : Second Quarter, 1996
The Best of Xcell (Q4 1993 to Q1 1996)

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