Internet Draft

Network Working Group                                   J. Mogul, DECWRL
Internet-Draft                                         12 September 1997
Expires: 26 March 1998

             Generation of the Age header field in HTTP/1.1



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        The 'Age' response-header field in HTTP/1.1 [RFC 2068] is
        intended to provide a lower bound of an estimate of a
        response message's age (time since generation), by
        explicitly indicating the amount of time that is known to
        have passed since the response message was retrieved or
        revalidated.  There has been considerable controversy over
        when the Age header field should be added to a response.
        This document explains the issues, rebuts a previous
        proposal, and provides a set of proposed changes for the
        revision of RFC 2068.

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                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

1 Introduction                                                         2
2 Proposed change to RFC2068                                           3
3 Discussion                                                           3
     3.1 Quantifying the error of the Age estimate: Interpretation     4
     3.2 Quantifying the error of the Age estimate: Interpretation     5
     3.3 Prevalence of clock skew in the Web                           5
     3.4 Implications of overestimating the Age value:                 6
         Interpretation C
     3.5 Implications of underestimating the Age value:                7
         Interpretation B
     3.6 So what's all the fuss about, anyway?                         8
4 Acknowledgements                                                     9
5 References                                                           9
6 Author's address                                                     9

1 Introduction

   RFC2068 [3] defines, in section 14.6, the Age header field for

       The Age response-header field conveys the sender's estimate of
       the amount of time since the response (or its revalidation) was
       generated at the origin server. A cached response is "fresh" if
       its age does not exceed its freshness lifetime. Age values are
       calculated as specified in section 13.2.3.

           Age = "Age" ":" age-value

           age-value = delta-seconds

       Age values are non-negative decimal integers, representing time
       in seconds.

       If a cache receives a value larger than the largest positive
       integer it can represent, or if any of its age calculations
       overflows, it MUST transmit an Age header with a value of
       2147483648 (2^31).  HTTP/1.1 caches MUST send an Age header in
       every response. Caches SHOULD use an arithmetic type of at least
       31 bits of range.

   Roy Fielding has taken issue with the statement ``HTTP/1.1 caches
   MUST send an Age header in every response.'' [2].  Fielding correctly
   points out that the use of the word ``caches'' in this sentence is
   incorrect.  He lists two possible rewordings for this sentence:

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      a) An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST send an Age
         header field in every response.

      b) An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST include an Age
         header field in every response generated from its own cache.

   There is, however, a third possible rewording, if one realizes that
   the original drafting error was to sloppily substitute the word
   ``cache'' where ``proxy'' was meant (mea culpa):

      c) An HTTP/1.1 proxy MUST send an Age header field in every

   Note that an HTTP proxy does not necessarily include a cache.  The
   other sentences referring to ``caches'' in that paragraph reflect the
   same drafting error.

2 Proposed change to RFC2068

   For this paragraph in section 14.6 (Age),

       If a cache receives a value larger than the largest positive
       integer it can represent, or if any of its age calculations
       overflows, it MUST transmit an Age header with a value of
       2147483648 (2^31).  HTTP/1.1 caches MUST send an Age header in
       every response. Caches SHOULD use an arithmetic type of at least
       31 bits of range.


       If a proxy server receives a value larger than the largest
       positive integer it can represent, or if any of its age
       calculations overflows, it MUST transmit an Age header with a
       value of 2147483648 (2^31).  An HTTP/1.1 proxy MUST send an Age
       header in every response.  Proxies SHOULD use an arithmetic type
       of at least 31 bits of range to represent Age values.

3 Discussion

   Because of facts of life such as resolution granularity, clock skews,
   and the theory of relativity, the Age value can never be exactly
   accurate; it is always an estimate.  We would like to bound the
   inaccuracy of this estimate.  Most important, we would like to ensure
   that any inaccuracy remaining in the Age estimate not cause avoidable
   and significant harm.

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3.1 Quantifying the error of the Age estimate: Interpretation C
   If interpretation (c) is used (i.e., the change proposed above in
   section 2), then the value of the Age header field might overestimate
   the actual amount of time since the response was generated at the
   origin server.  One can calculate the size of the estimation error
   for a path containing N HTTP/1.1 proxies:

       Error_C = Mean_RTT * N * (N + 1)/2

   where Mean_RTT is the mean round-trip time (RTT) between neighboring
   pairs of proxies.  Note that this measures the error in the Age value
   at the final recipient client, not the error at the last HTTP/1.1
   proxy on the path.

   Actually, this analysis assumes that the RTT on each hop is the
   Mean_RTT; in fact, the contribution from the hops closest to the
   origin server contribute more to the true error value than this
   simplified formula, and so it is not necessarily an upper bound on
   the error.  If one uses

       Error_C_bound = Max_RTT * N * (N + 1)/2

   where Max_RTT is the largest of the RTTs over all of the hops, then
   the Error_C_bound estimate is an upper bound.

   In order to quantify this bound, we need parameter values for N and
   Max_RTT.  It's not clear exactly how many proxy caches are used on an
   arbitrary path through the Internet, especially since many of these
   paths start within large intranets, but I think it would be realistic
   to assume that most such paths have somewhere between N=1 and N=6.

   Clearly, the Max_RTT value is harder to quantify, since over
   extremely lossy paths, the RTT can be nearly infinite.  As a
   surrogate for this value, I looked at the total retrieval time for
   each of 504736 retrievals in a two-day proxy trace made in December,
   1996.  (See [5] for more discussion of this trace.)  Among these
   retrievals, the mean total retrieval time was 1.25 seconds, with a
   median of 0.25 seconds and a standard deviation of 13.7 seconds.  As
   far as I can tell, a large part of the variation is due to servers
   that drop SYN packets due to buggy TCP stacks.  Given this, and given
   that the median is closer to 1/4 second, and given that a full
   HTTP/1.0 retrieval takes at least two round-trips (and probably
   more), I think it's fair to assume a value of 2 seconds as an
   approximate upper bound for the Max_RTT for most paths.

   Therefore, doing the math

       Error_C_bound[N=1] = 2 seconds
       Error_C_bound[N=6] = 42 seconds

   and, just for comparison, if one uses the observed median retrieval

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   time (0.25 seconds) and assumes the use of no more than 3 HTTP/1.1
   proxies, then Error_C_bound = 1.5 seconds.

3.2 Quantifying the error of the Age estimate: Interpretation B
   If interpretation (b) is used, then the value of the Age header field
   might underestimate the actual amount of time since the response was
   generated at the origin server.  The scenario that generates the
   greatest underestimate is when the path between the origin server and
   the HTTP/1.1 client's cache includes an HTTP/1.0 proxy cache, and the
   client has a skewed clock.  In particular, the client's clock is set
   into the past by some amount.

   In this scenario, since an HTTP/1.0 proxy cache will not add the Age
   header, there is no indication that the response was delayed by a
   cache between the origin server and the first HTTP/1.1 cache.  The
   only way for that HTTP/1.1 cache to construct its initial Age
   estimate is to compare its own clock against the Date value.  If the
   client's clock is wrong, this error is, in general, impossible to
   correct.  For example, suppose the client's clock is one hour slow.
   If the origin server generates the response at 10:00AM, and then the
   response sits in the HTTP/1.0 cache for 65 minutes, when the response
   arrives at the HTTP/1.1 client, it will appear to be only 5 minutes

   The benefit of using interpretation (c) is that if there is a
   non-caching HTTP/1.1 proxy between the HTTP/1.0 cache and the client,
   unless its clock is also skewed, it will add a nearly-correct Age
   header field to the response.  I.e., the client will realize that the
   response is at least 65 minutes old, regardless of its clock skew.
   So, while the error is impossible to correct "in general", it is
   possible to correct in certain specific cases, and this is the value
   of interpretation (c).

3.3 Prevalence of clock skew in the Web
   Is clock skew a real problem?  Unfortunately, I know of no systematic
   study of HTTP client clock skews.  This is difficult, in part,
   because HTTP requests generally do not include a Date header.

   However, since I do have access to a trace of the headers flowing
   through a proxy whose clock, at the time of the trace, was carefully
   synchronized using NTP, I was able to look at the clock-skew
   distribution of a large set of HTTP servers.  (The trace covers 22034
   distinct server IP addresses.)  While this is not the same as a
   population of HTTP clients, one might actually expect a set of HTTP
   servers to have better clock synchronization characteristics than a
   set of HTTP clients.  After all, many HTTP clients run on personal
   computers or workstations, and are managed by non-experts; most Web
   servers on the Internet have at least some semblance of
   administration (e.g., someone at least had to obtain a DNS name).  In
   other words, whatever the situation with Web server clocks, one would
   expect the situation among clients to be worse.

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   For each response in the trace, I compared the Date header field
   value (if any) to the proxy's NTP-synchronized timestamps for the
   start of the connection and the end of the connection.  If the
   server's clock is accurate, the Date value ought to be between those
   two timestamps.  If the server's clock is slow, the Date value would
   be lower than the start-timestamp; if the server's clock is fast, the
   Date value would be higher than the end-timestamp.

   Because of the 1-second granularity of Date, I treated as "valid" any
   values less than 1 second in error.  I also treated as "obviously
   bogus" any Date where the server's clock appeared to be more than 1
   day wrong, since one could assume that such a badly skewed server
   clock would be abnormal.

   The trace contained 503969 responses with parsable response headers.
   Of these, only 286779 actually had Date headers (most of the rest
   appear to be PointCast responses).  1087 of these had Date values
   that were clearly bogus (by the "1-day-wrong" test).  Of the others,
   116966 (41%) showed a server with a "slow" clock (by at least one
   second), and 83782 (29%) showed a "fast" clock.  Only 84944 (30%) had
   apparently-synchronized clocks.

   What if we set the threshold for an OK clock at +/- 60 seconds
   (which, by the earlier analysis, is somewhat larger than the
   Error_C_bound for N = 6 and Max_RTT = 2)?  In this case, we still
   find 79443 (27%) responses indicating "slow" clocks, and 56429
   responses (20%) indicating "fast" clocks.  In other words, a lot of
   the clocks are off by a lot of time.

   Using the 1-second threshold, the mean error in the slow clocks is
   1287 seconds, with a median error of 113 seconds.  For the fast
   clocks, the mean error is 1383 seconds, with a median of 97 seconds.

   Using the 60-second threshold, the mean error in the slow clocks is
   1884 seconds, with a median error of 198 seconds.  For the fast
   clocks, the mean error is 2039 seconds, with a median of 152 seconds.
   (We're removing the small-error samples from these sets, so we're
   left with sets biased towards high-error samples.)

   In summary, clock skew seems to be prevalent among HTTP servers, and
   the skews seem to be fairly large.  One might be justified in
   guessing that the situation is worse among HTTP clients.

      NOTE: I should reanalyze this data, breaking it down by server
      address, rather than by response, but that will have to wait
      for another draft of this document.

3.4 Implications of overestimating the Age value: Interpretation C
   What happens if the Age value is overestimated?  If this happens,
   some "fresh" responses appear to be "stale", and so unnecessary cache
   misses may be generated.  Except in the case where the network is

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   partitioned, this is a performance problem, but does not lead to the
   delivery of responses with the wrong body or headers.  (When the
   network is partitioned, caches are allowed to return stale values
   with an appropriate Warning, so this is irrelevant to the current

   Further, only a very small subset of the fresh, cachable responses
   will be affected.  In particular, this can only affect a response
   whose actual remaining freshness lifetime is smaller than the error
   in the Age estimate.  Presumably, this is only a significant issue
   for responses whose initial max-age value is small (since otherwise
   it would be a low-probability coincidence that a request arrives at
   the cache just before the freshness lifetime expires).  (Remember
   that the Error_C_bound = 42 for N = 6 and Max_RTT = 2, and is a lot
   lower for shorter proxy paths.)

   We have no good information on what kinds of lifetimes HTTP/1.1
   origin servers will be assigning to their responses (very few current
   servers send Expires), but we can make a guess that of the responses
   that are likely to be cachable, most will be assigned fairly long
   lifetimes.  This is because existing caches already assign, by
   heuristic, fairly long lifetimes to responses without Expires or
   max-age values, and (for the most part) this kind of caching seems to
   be tolerated.

   Certainly, one would hope that forthcoming HTTP/1.1 server
   implementations will make it easier for service authors to specify
   small freshness lifetimes.  However, it is unlikely that this could
   lead to a great improvement in the number of cache hits.  Several
   trace-based studies [1, 4] have shown that there is an upper limit to
   the performance of straightforward HTTP caches, because for many
   resources, no two requests result in the same response body.
   Therefore, one should not expect the currently-observed cache hit
   rates to get a lot better.

3.5 Implications of underestimating the Age value: Interpretation B
   What happens if the Age value is underestimated?  If this happens,
   some "stale" responses appear to be "fresh", and are returned to the
   client without any Warning.  The client, in this case, naively
   obtains the wrong response value.

   This is a far more serious error than causing an extra cache miss.
   Delivering the wrong response is not always a significant error, but
   in some cases it can lead to serious external consequences.

   Moreover, the set of cachable responses vulnerable to this error is
   much larger than for an overestimation error.  The reason is, as we
   saw above, clock-skew errors appear to be quite common, especially
   slow-clock errors, and the mean error is measured in tens of minutes.
   This is likely to be much closer to the magnitude of freshness
   lifetimes than the approximately 1-minute overestimation error.

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   The adoption of interpretation (b), in an attempt to avoid
   unnecessary cache misses, could have a perverse effect: by
   significantly increasing the likelihood of undetected delivery of
   stale responses when the freshness lifetime is short, this might
   discourage service authors from allowing such responses to be cached
   at all.  In other words, service authors generating responses with
   short cachable lifetimes might be driven to declare these responses
   as totally uncachable, to avoid the possibility of unwarranted

   One should also note that a small (but certainly non-empty) fraction
   of the bogus Date values in our trace are wrong by days, not hours.
   If such a problem afflicts many clients, this could affect the
   willingness of service authors to allow caching even of responses
   with relatively long lifetimes.

3.6 So what's all the fuss about, anyway?
   It might seem that arguing over the issue of caching responses with
   relatively short freshness lifetimes is a tempest in a teapot.  At
   some level, it is: straightforward HTTP caching will probably never
   yield the kind of hit rates seen for CPU caches, and this is
   especially true for short-lifetime values.

   However, there are a number of ways in which the effectiveness of an
   HTTP cache could be improved; for example, prefetching seems to be
   useful for decreasing latency (although it doesn't help if the path
   is already bandwidth-limited).  Prefetching might take advantage of
   the cachability of responses with relatively short lifetimes, but it
   will not be feasible if service authors cannot trust the prefetching
   caches to be punctilious about freshness lifetimes.

   In other fields of computer science (for example, compilers or
   multiprocessor caches), aggressive optimization always depends on a
   reliable understanding of the situation at hand.  That is, if one
   cannot be sure that the transformation done by the optimization
   preserves the semantics of the system, one cannot safely do that
   optimization (and, consequently, one may be prevented from doing a
   lot of other optimizations that are enabled by the first one).  Even
   when optimizations are done "speculatively", this always involves
   being able to check the results for semantic correctness before
   committing them.

   Attempts to make things faster at the cost of semantic transparency
   might have some short-term attractions, especially in a setting where
   we have historically been sloppy about semantic correctness.  But
   this is ultimately a dead-end path; after once giving up on semantic
   correctness, it's almost impossible to go back.

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4 Acknowledgements

   I would like to thank Jim Gettys for comments on this draft.

5 References

   1.  Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and
   Jeffrey Mogul.  Rate of Change and Other Metrics:  a Live Study of
   the World Wide Web.  Proc. Symposium on Internet Technologies and
   Systems, USENIX, Monterey, CA, December, 1997. To appear.

   2.  Roy T. Fielding.  Age Header Field in HTTP/1.1.  Internet-Draft
   draft-fielding-http-age-00.txt, Network Working Group, March, 1997.

   3.  Roy T. Fielding, Jim Gettys, Jeffrey C. Mogul, Henrik Frystyk
   Nielsen, and Tim Berners-Lee.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
   HTTP/1.1.  RFC 2068, HTTP Working Group, January, 1997.

   4.  Thomas M. Kroeger, Darrell D. E. Long, and Jeffrey C. Mogul.
   Exploring the Bounds of Web Latency Reduction from Caching and
   Prefetching.  Proc. Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems,
   USENIX, Monterey, CA, December, 1997. To appear.

   5.  Jeffrey C. Mogul, Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, and Balachander
   Krishnamurthy.  Potential benefits of delta encoding and data
   compression for HTTP.  Research Report 97/4, DECWRL, July, 1997. URL

6 Author's address

   Jeffrey C. Mogul
   Western Research Laboratory
   Digital Equipment Corporation
   250 University Avenue
   Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA

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